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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
I try to deploy application to mobile and after success running on Android. But How to hidden "Appeon Application" message when startup the apps? Another question, How to deploy auto resize when using different mobile screen size? ...
Hi. The User's Guide says: Caution: You should not run an OrcaScript batch file if PowerBuilder is currently running on the same computer. If the PowerBuilder development environment is not shut down while OrcaScript is running, your PowerBu...
Hello, all I need to know what my options are in using external .NET assemblies in .NET assembly target of PB 2017. I cannot find written help on that at all. I see that I can import the assembly in the target and see them in the system tree...
We currently have a client program that sends xml data to a vendor website.  This worked fine when the website accepted data using the TLS1.0 format.  On July 1, 2017, the vendor no longer supported TLS1.0 and we were informed that to continue sendin...
I'm on Windows 7 Pro.  I'm getting the following bombs attempting to run the install (YES, I ran the install as administrator!) -- no files get installed to my computer:     ...
I run the Autorun.exe file. But there is no [Install button] to click to do a next step. ...
PB V12.1 Specifically, where does the PB function "PrintGetPrinter()" go to look in order to determine the current printer? Thanks, Olan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE:  24-MAY-2017 @ 2"38 PM CST. I >>> THINK ...
My system is Window 10 64bit and daabase is MS SQL Server Express 2014. ODBC Database connection : Try 8 difference ways of odbc connection (2 Drivers / 32 & 64 bit odbc / User DSN / System DSN). All of these connect to the same database. ...
Hi I've come across a minor behavioural difference with the new PB 2017 IDE Build 1666. When I search across the PBLs in my workspace, then edit from the search result set. It opens the object's script as expected. If do a CTRL-H to replac...
Hi All, I wasn’t able to attend the "Hands-on Look at PowerBuilder 2017" webinar because of timezone difference.  Does anyone know when and where I can get the recorded video of the webinar? Thanks. Best Regards, Ricardo     ...
Hi Everyone, can anyone help me in creating web application...? My expertise is on the Native side but I never engage in web application...I already purchase the PB2017 but I dont know how web application or mobile application works... Please H...
I follow the tutorial in PowerServer 2017 Help File thru this step.  And I used my android mobile phone to install the Sale Mobile App Example. Then, I can add this app to Appeon Workspace on my device. But, when I run the app, it could...
Hello to all I have a problem exporting the data in xml format It can be exported with a 3-level hierarchy eg: customer invoice article N.B. Many articles on an invoice Many bills in a customer Many customers The dw allows you to h...
Hi All   We have today installed and activated PB2017.   All looks good so far, but...   Our PB12.5 project build was set up to use an External Manifest because we have a web service component we use to consume a web service.   ...
I experienced a problem when calling CreateProcess from 64-bit compiled PB2017 app. On 32-bit it works just fine. External function defined as: function boolean CreateProcess(ulong applicationname, string commandline, ulong processattributes, u...
Downloaded all PB related products with no problem. However, tried to use the Appeon U Demo app tutorial that uses the EAS Demo DB V126.  I can't connect to the database.  The database name is listed in the window but the error says it can't ...
Hi all, Can someone please confirm if GhostScript still needs to be installed for PDF generation?  I was assuming this would no longer be the case, but in the documentation https://www.appeon.com/system/files/product-manual/installation_guide_for_...
As per the title. Some days ago (Jun 30th) I requested and was granted a trial subscription for PB2017, unfortunately I didn't get a link to actually download the software. I've tried to email info@appeon to no avail. How did you guys got ...
We are trying to convert a bunch of internal web pages to https. Everything is behind the firewall so the site uses a domain certificate. There are a lot of machines that are not members of the domain and the inet object wont open the pages. Does any...
I've been checking out the new Rich Text edit control and it appears the help file is still referencing the old control in relation to deployment dlls. From what I can tell, the new control requires pbcomrt170.dll and PBTCTEXT170.DLL for deplo...

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