Discussions tagged SQLite

Hello, Using PB 2022 R3 with SQLite 3 When we retrieve data in a datawindow from SQLite database, all (numeric) computed columns are retrieved as character fields.  And converting the character values into numeric and then doing the required comput...
Hello, Using PB 2022 R3 build 3289 With PostgreSQL 15 and SQLite 3 1.  Connecting either PostgreSQL or SQLite based on the option chosen at application open 2.  While taking report, one NVO will be called, with required parameters, which will buil...
Hello, Using PB 2022 R2, b 2819, SQLite 3 [ unsupported database ]. While updating multiple tables after starting database transactions, control goes into infinite loop, on the line dw_3.Update(True, False) 1.  No issues when updating single table...
Hello, Using Powerbuilder 2019 R3, SQLite, ODBC Driver from http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/ Need to cast a computed column as date, but PB interprets it as a char column only.  I tried Datawindow's column specification, we get All those compu...
Hello I want to distribute application with embedded database that could be run without installing anything at clients computer.  Seems Sqlite fits this better.  Seems need to install sqlite driver.  Is there any way to automaticaaly install driver...
Buenas Tardes  Al tratar de hacer un perfil de conexion OBDC en power builder , recibo la advertencia " catalog tables could not be created and are not available for use" y luego me sale conexión exitosa. La conexión ODBC es de una base de datos SQ...
Hi, We have a powerserver mobile project that use SQLite3 as a local DB. The tables has decimal datatype columns but when we create a new DW with that tables as a datasource the PB recognize that columns as a WVARCHAR and we can't use these columns ...
Hi,   First of all, thank you very much for the Elevate 2018 Recap Seminar of last week in Barcelona.   We're very interested in the PowerServer Mobile offline features and I'm testing the PowerServer Mobile in offline mode with an SQLite databas...
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