Discussions tagged Email

We recently migrated several applications from Version 2017R2 to Version 2022R3.  We send emails with one or more attachments both internally and externally.  We did not experience any issues sending emails from the applications built using Version 2...
Good morning, I'm using a OLE Web Browser as a E-mail template, this email is a HTML page, and i can modify manu properties as the size, font, Bold, Italic, Underline, Align, etc.. of my Template.     Can i reproduce the same is the new WebBros...
Hi, How to use the new PB2022R2 SMTPClient without authentication? I mustn't authenticate to the SMTP server because it's set to reject authentication attempts. I tried simply not set username and password but I'm getting error -15 when I'm trying...
Hi, I have the following codes that I based from the sample given in Appeon side. I'm using PowerBuilder 2022 R2 Beta. My IT department said that we can send email through our SMTP server without authentication, and leave Password, SecureProtocol, E...
I found this code somewhere on Appeon website to initiate SMTP from PowerBuilder 2022.   SmtpClient lsc_maillsc_mail = Create SmtpClient   I'm getting an error "Illegal data type SmtpClient" How do I solve this error? I found some posting sayin...
Hi, I'm trying to add CC address to an email I send from PB. Settting the subject, To (single receiver) work fine, but trying to add the CC gives error "incorrect number of parameters".   here is an extract of the code // This part works finelol...
Hi All, PB Version: PowerBuilder 2021 (Build 1509)/ MS SQL Server 2019. Outlook version: Outlook 2016 BillingInformation [MailItem.BillingInformation property (Outlook)]: a place holder to store all the File ID's that i want to send one email to. ...
Hello, I'm using the n_smtp tool to send mail via PB. I experience a problem with the body of the mail cut after a certain number of characters. It seems that the send function (of_send) cuts the text at a position. Text before send : <html&g...
Hi.When executing "mRet = mSes.mailLogon(mailNewSession!)" on a client, where no mail client is installed, this message appears:=>Screenshot 2021-06-10 153238.pngWhereas on a machine with a mail client installed, I am able to select a profile:=>...
Power Builder 2019 R3 can not execute Maillogon for MAPI.  Refer below code. Mailsession  ims_mses ims_mses = create mailSession mRet = ims_mses.mailLogon (mailNewSession!) Above code gives mRet = mailReturnFailure! Please note I am using Power...
Preferably, I would like to save it to an eml/msg file after it has been  sent. I can probably get the message using mailReadMessage to get it into a mailMessage object with the proper ID. But I can't find a way to save it to a disk file....
It seems there is an issue with the MailSession object and a specific version of Office365 Outlook (Semi Annual Channel Version 1908 (Build 11929.20776) 32 bit). The Microsoft Outlook dialog (A program is trying to send an email message on your beha...
Hello   How do I send an email without any third party and no outlook installed on the machine just using pb functions for define email address to , send from, file attach and so on ?   thanks...
Hi, We are migrating our VDI desktops to Windows 10 and Office 365 (32 bit) In our PB application, we are using MSMAPI control to retrieve outlook items and also send emails.  With the current implementation, there is a popup that comes up asking ...
Some Infos: Machine : Windows Server 2012 R2 StandardPowerbuilder: Version 2019 Build 2082Email Client: Mozilla Thunderbird 60.8.0 (32-Bit)   Hello,   im trying to migrate one of our projects from PB2017 to PB2019. But in PB2019 the  programm ke...
I'm wondering if I can email a dw directly, or do I have to first create a PDF then email the file as an attachment? ~~~Tracy ...
Hi all, Hoping someone's run into this issue and knows the fix...sending emails using PB 12.6 and everything works fine, except when on a shared desktop, where code fails calling mailLogon and the program crashes. Any help would be greatly ...
Roland sir, i tested your send email code (pbnismtp.pbl file) and it works perfectly. i want to send bulk emails with attachments. So in bulk email tab window(u_tabpg_bulk) i add a listbox and add and delete button to add files to the attachment . ...
I downloaded the .pbx file and Pb example from http://www.topwizprogramming.com/pbnismtp.html This all works in my desktop PB app but I'm missing something deploying the app using AppeonWeb. What is required to deploy and use the .pbx file ...
Hello, My application sends outbound emails and I need my users to be able to edit the body of the email.  I'd like them to be able to format the body of the email with the same type of options as if you were in Outlook or another email tool w...
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