Discussions tagged Build

PBAutoBuild fails with JSON syntax error. Client/Server App Scenario 1: Build pbl's from GIT into Workspace Setup 1 is: SourceControl = GIT Encoding = UTF-16 LE BOM Start of JSON file: { "MetaInfo": { "IDEVersion": "220", "RuntimeVersion": "22...
We installed PB 2022R3 yesterday. We need to build our application using runtime version until we have fully tested R3. When using pbautobuild, we are getting the following error and are unable to build the application.  We are able to ...
Which tool or extension is recommended by Appeon to obfuscate source code (Net Assembly) using Snapdevelop?...
Hello, We utilize PB2021 and deploy our application to our customers using PowerClient. We must code-sign our application to avoid warning messages when a customer downloads our application and to help our application from being flagged by antivirus...
I see this old issue https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/modified-dates-of-all-pbds-were-updated-with-pbc190-i I assume it was never reported as a bug? In 2019 R3 2728 when I do an Incremental Build ALL the PBL files are rebuilt resultin...
I have an 21 app that is being built using ORCAScript on my build server. I consistently get the message "Errors encountered during import/compile.  Check SMS log." What is the SMS log, and where can I find it? Is there a way to see more informat...
Hi    In the project painter, how can I specify an Icon to associate with the exe generated ? (or on PBC  .. the stand alone compiler) Using pb2019R3   Thanks   //Steen...
I’m getting errors when building a PowerServer 2021 project for a client application – see attached.  Apparently, you can’t have duplicate objects in different libraries.  It looks like PowerServer doesn’t know which one to parse when that is the cas...
Hi How do you check if the build was successful or not? Does PBAutobuild return value like 0 = OK, other values = the error number? Is it described somewhere? I haven't found it. Thank you...
Hello I want to show the version of my application in About box. Is there a more "PB-way" how to read these values from a project than C# FileVersionInfo.FileVersion()? I mean an environment variable, contextinformation etc. ...
Hi team,   Our Threat and Vulnerability Management Unit (TMVU) scans our devices and monitors for any potential threats on a regular basis. Recently the TMVU has identified potential security vulnerabilities with the installations of the PowerBuild...
Hi, we are in the process of upgrading from Powerbuilder 12.5 to Powerbuilder 2021. I have found that when I attempt to build a 32-bit Pcode build from the IDE or the Compiler, the build succeeds, but then I'm left with a "Create of executable file f...
Dear Experts, I want to get the file version and the product version (Major, Minor, Build, Revision) of the application built by PowerBuilder and date and time when it was built. How do I get these informations with PowerScript functions? In Visua...
Hi All, thanks again for providing this forum. Quick question: Using the regular client-server Project Painter, can you generate the PBDs in a different folder than the source PBLs? I know you can do this with the EXE. Would like to specify like a "...
Hi!I'm having a look at the PowerClient feature and I wonder if it's possible to do a build/deploy of a PowerClient project from pbc/orcascript or similar? We would like some way to avoid the manual process of building and deploying.   Regards,Nicl...
I presently use an orca build script in Windows 10  to build PB 2017 R3.  Can I use that orca script in a GITlab Linux Runner?   Thanks in advance Glenn Benscoter...
Hello, we have a problem with the build of one of our application with orcascript since last week. We use PowerBuilder 2019 build 2170 with TFS2018 as our source control.Every night at 1 am, a build of all our application start using orcascript.For ...
PowerClient looks very exciting as a way to solve the perennial client/server problem of deploying code to clients! But I have questions about a couple of aspects that are making me think it’s not something we can use yet. I haven't had any hand-on ...
When performing a compile using the autocompiler for PB 2019 R2, it seems to generate a log file but the filename seems to change depending on when and where I do the compile. Here is an example of my compile using pbc190.exe: C:\temp_git\Powerbuil...
Hi.   We have a beast of a server, running and AMD Ryzen 9 3950X (16 cores) CPU, a ton of memory and SSD storage. What is the best config in VMWare ESXi for a PowerBuilder buildserver? My understanding is that PB is fond of lots of cores and CPU ...
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