Discussions tagged Font

Hi According to the documentation https://docs.appeon.com/pb2022/pbug/Saving_data_in_an_external_file.html#Saving_as_PDF_using_PDFlib PB can embed custom fonts into generated PDF file. Which fonts are considered as 'custom'? If I check this field...
I install a desktop application (PowerBuilder 2019 R2) on computers with Windows 10. On some computers, the headings under the menu pictures are clearly visible, but on others they are small and unclear (see attached file).What could be causing this?...
Hi, can I set "Packaging custom font in the generated PDF file" Application parameter from code for a specific datawindow? There's application variable nativepdfincludecustomfont but it's inaccessible from PowerScript. I can't embed fonts to all p...
When I work from the office, I use a 2560x1440 display where the scaling is set to 100%. The fonts in the PowerBuilder IDE are crisp and everything looks good. When I work from home, I use a 4k display where the scaling is set to 150%. The fonts are ...
Bug 9366 font problem - I have a production program that has many installed locations.  Can I just update a dll in the current runtime installation or do I have to go through a complete rebuild and replace the entire runtime?  If I can update a singl...
Currently we're using rightfax printer (Rightfax to send fax from our PB11.5 application running on Windows Server 2008. The system is old but fax function works fine. However, The fax problem arises with PB2022. Under the migrated versi...
Hello, PB 2019 R3, Win 10 I used to read registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts) value to list of available fonts in a drop-down datawindow.  It's working fine in Windows 7, but not in Win 10. Few of our cu...
To all, is there anyone knew how to deploy custom fonts files such as AdvC39* into c:\windows\fonts\ folder? I knew we can include external files such as *.dll; picture files in the Powerserver project, while those files would be downloaded into cl...
Hello everyone,   we used to print pdfs via ghostscript. After Upgrading from pb 2017 we wanted to implement the native pdf and at first glance that worked out pretty easy and simple. But after comparing the printed PDFs from ghostscript and from n...
I have a .NET Webservice that when called, generates a DataWindow from DataWindow Syntax passed in as a parameter. The service then creates a PDF file from the generated DataWindow using SaveAS. It then takes that PDF and saves it to a row in a datab...
Hello all, in the Rich Text Edit Control TX Text Control shipped with PB 12.6 it was possible to set the font before doing a ReplaceText with the undocumented function: long ColorLogFont105 ( long hWnd, ulong Msg, ulong wParam, ref s_logfont cl...
We have our custom font (ttf) that we want to use in PB application. We don't want to register it globally, the idea is to use it privately just for our application and no other application should see it in the list of available fonts.  In .Ne...
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