Discussions tagged Excel

We have existing processes to export something to excel using OLE and Excel VBA commands, which do their job, and then exit. We have a call at the end to an external function EndTask to kill the excel.exe process for these. We're developing a new pr...
Hi Team,   What is the best method to import high volume text or excel file. For example having column 20 and no of line 50000   We have tried using datawindow import and reading 100 line each loop till we get datawindow import error, but this wo...
Hi Appeon My name is Marcelo, I work with systems development using Appeon PowerBuilder.I have an application that uses Excel generation by an Active x DLL.I currently use a dll for this, OLE XLSFile v4.0 ( olexlsf.dll ).The great advantage of using...
Is it possible to draw graphs in an Excel file from PowerBuilder? I create tables with data in Excel from PowerBuilder, but how can I build charts or pies based on this data? I saw that classes ExcelPieChart, ExcelBarChart, enum eChartType in C# are ...
Hi all, My application registers with Windows as a DDE Server, and communicates with several different 3rd party apps through DDE.  We're just now exploring how to communicate via Excel by the same means. In Excel, I put a button on the worksheet t...
Is there a function in datawindow that I can use to remove header (title and other objects) but leave the column headers intact?  I tried adjusting header height but it leave the space from the top not the bottom of the header bar.  I need to change ...
Hi all, I'm trying to import data from an Excel workbook using an OLE object.  The algorithm works great, but I have hard-coded the WorkSheet number.  How can I refernce the sheet by name instead of number?  I specifically want to find the sheet nam...
Hello everyoneI use the saveas method such as dw_1.saveas("test.xlsx",xlsx!,true) to save datawindow into an excel file. The font of all cells in the excel file is Arial and the size is 10. I try to modify the column font and size in datawindow , bu...
Hello everyone I saved the data window as an excel file. The name of the excel file is displayed normally, but the sheet name is garble code.this is my codedw_1.saveas("D:\test\作成.xls",excel8!,true) If I use ascii characters as the file name, the s...
We have application that saves reports to Excel file using Oleobject and does data formatting after file is saved.   This stopped working after MS Office was uninstalled form Citrix server due to company new policy.   The file does get saved but erro...
I open InfoMaker 2019 Build 2083.     I then run a report and click File > Save Rows As.     I then choose Excel12(*.xlsx) with headers as the Save as type, and then click Save.     InfoMaker then crashes.   But InfoMaker does not...
Hello Team, I am using PowerBuilder 2019 in my application. The application has an option to save the files as .csv(Comma Separated Value File Type). Our Client wants to change the delimiter from 'comma' to some other special character. Tried to cha...
Hi All, My program is generating reports in excel format which contains 8 sheets. It is batch program to pick up the request from the queue, generate the reports, and send them to the user. And 4 sessions are running at the same time to process the ...
I have an application that creates a number of reports and saves them as Excel files with the XLSX! save as type and file extension.xlsx. All the reports open in Excel 2016 except one. The one exception can be saved with the EXCEL! SaveAs type and it...
Dear Experts, I want to call VisualBasic for Application (VBA) macros and functions in Word or Excel documents which I have written myself out of/from PowerScript functions (instead of rewritting them in the PowerScript functions). Is this possible...
Dear Experts, I want to call the VBA Excel functions with optional parameters like Range.PasteSpecial(...) for example in PowerScript functions. I tried the following: OLEObject lole_WS_From // Excel worksheetOLEObject lole_WS_To    // Excel works...
Hi,      We have migrated from 10.2 to 2019 R2 and We have added a new '.XLSX' extension in our existing SaveAs option. We are able to export the all datawindows with this extension  expect the reports that has designed using crosstab datawindow.  ...
Hello,   I have a requirement to check feasibility of saving a datawindow report to '.xlsx' format using an executable built in PowerBuilder 2017 R3. The constraint is that the host machine on which the executable will be running will not have any ...
Hello, In PB2017R3 when you do dw.SaveAs XLSX! an there is a cell with more than 32767 characters (character size limit of Ecel's cell) - resulting .xlsx file will consider this cell unreadable in MicroSoft Excel. At the same time Open Office just t...
We have recently changed our datawindow savas methods to XLSX! from Excel8! This works fine except for one report. It is an external datawindow and when we save it as XLSX! it then throws an error: We are looking for an answer and haven't been able...
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