Discussions tagged ASE

We have a SQL Server procedure with 20K lines of code. We will execute the procedure 18 times and syntax is  created dynamically from PowerBuilder. Attached the dynamic query. If the query is executed from SSMS there is no issue, it is inserting int...
  I'm using SQL SERVER 2014 I nead Ignore this error . GROUP BY with Aggregate Functions SLQSTAT = 42000 My problem is while executing this query select empId, empName, empstate, sum(empsalary)from emp group by empId, empName ; Result : COLUMN em...
hey guys, I'm testing PB 2022 64 bits with Sybase ASE 16 64 bits.Open client installed: ASE SDK 16.0 64bitsPB does not find DLLs.message: Error loading client DLLs. Unable to connect to server.Any ideas to resolve? Thank you already! Rafael Bicalh...
Hi all, I'm banging my head against the wall here.  I'm been working with snapdevelop and visual studio to migrate our old client server application [Front end connects to ASE directly]. hoping to evolve to an architecture where front end interact...
你好: 目前我们在应用中发现涉及带中文的查询都检索不出内容,怀疑可能是字符集导致的原因。我们数据库用的是cp936,按照帮助文档做了如下设置还是不行,请问是否还有其它地方涉及配置和调整?另外想问下应用运行相关的LOG文件在哪里可以找到? 谢谢。 ...
Hello, I am using Powerbuilder 2019R3 with Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.3 versiob as backend.  I have recently migrated the source code from Powerbuilder 12.5 to Powerbuidler 2019R3. After migration, for the login user after the password has expi...
Hi Team, I have using PowerBuilder 17 with Sybase DB connecting via ASE ( Sybase open client 16). Using DB connection method as 'ASE' inside application. Application using functional account to connect the db. sometimes users are getting db connecti...
Hi, Greetings! I have one PowerBuilder application that uses embedded SQL to change the context to a different database using the transaction object. Execute Immediate "Use Database_Name"; where Database_Name is the database name  But when this ...
Hi. I'm in a situation where I try to connect to ASE (v.16), through Powerbuilder IDE. I've created a database profile, but when I try to connect using Powerbuilder 2017 R3 or Powerbuilder 2019 R3, the IDE crashes... In Windows Application Log I se...
Is Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise PC Client v16 is compatible with 32bit Desktop power builder application? ...
We are experimenting with C# Model Generator and SnapDevelop in Powerbuilder 2019. We would like to use this to create ASP.Net WebApi C# code based on our existing Datawindows so we don’t have to write all the code from scratch. According to the App...
Hi everyone, We are migrating a PowerBuilder application to the web with PowerBuilder 2017 universal version, our database connection has always been using a username master so we always put the real user's name as a connection parameter of the data...
Hi everyone,After almost 20 years we've decided to migrate all our applications from ASE to MS SQL Server.  We've been able to use SQL Server Migration Assistant to migrate the database and I'm looking at updating my Powerbuilder code to work with SQ...
Does this area have search capabilities? ...
Anyone know where/how to fix this.  There is no option in AEM that I can see regarding cache. ...
From my discussions with Armeen & Co. it sounds like I can use PB 2017 as the client, but as far as deploying components and the VM for EAS it would need to stay on PB 12.x.  Just want to ask if anyone is doing that currently or are most EA Server ap...
Hello Friends, I have a doubt if I am doing this wrong, since I explain to you in I have 5 variables that I want to verify that they are not empty/null and I want to store them in a string and then launch a message with the empty variables that I a...
We have recently changed our application to save datawindow as .XLSX! rather than the old Excel! format which worked well in development, but causes app to crash when used by our testers. Both "PBDWExcel12Interop170.dll" and "Sybase.PowerBuilder.Data...
Hi Is there any standard method available to Implement GDPR and pseudonymization using Powerbuilder or Sybase? Has anyone tried this? Narayana Bhat ...
Appeon PB2017 R2 B1756. Database : SQLAnyWhere 9. I have a curious issue. If I run the application thru the PB2017 IDE it work perfect, but If I run the application via the EXE then I get this Error "Connect Failed".  "999 The Driver's name...
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