Discussions tagged PowerServer Web

Hi Team.   Whether DEP [Data Execution Prevention], ASLR[ address space layout randomization] enabled during powerserver compile and deployment, if not how we can enable this   Below is observation from VAPT vendor Observation:   Missing Securit...
Hello All,   I am getting an error that I cannot resolve after trying multiple attempts at solving it. My coworker can deploy fine to the IIS server with no issues. I am using the same project that was cloned from the Git server. In this workspa...
Hi Team, We have succesfully buuild our application in powerserver and able to convert and access through browser in localhost.  Now we are trying to deploy application in ubuntun 22.04  We are using below version of powerbuilder and powerserver ...
Hello, there. I wonder if I can get an arguments when I first run my program on PowerServer 2020. For example, if I make a client program which runs on my desktop, I run it with "myprogram.exe test_arg" and then I get test_arg as a argument and I c...
Currently I run on PB2019 as a straight Client server app. I need to have the users enter credit card data to be authorized by a third party.  The third party has an iFrame to option use so that we are PCI compliant.  Does the new Power Server suppo...
Hi,   I have been running a demo/ in house powerserver 2019 for a long time on the developer licence.   It has suddenly stopped working and the server says it is not activated. I get the following error message  Failed to log in. ...
Hi  I'm converting a Powerbuilder project to Powerserver. Some of the windows use SQLPreview to call stored procedures to update the database. SQLPreview isn't supported by Powerserver, so I want to modify the datawindow dynamically to use the stor...
Hello all we need to test the upgrade of PowerServer  Appeon PowerServer 2019 Build 1988.00 64-bit Edition to the latest version cause we have new machines with windows 11 we have donwload the PB2022 full installer but there is no...
Dear friends, I have an issue running my PowerServer 2022 Project. My application runs fine as C/S version from PB 2022 environment. Then, I created PowerServer Project cpms_uspb_cloud according PowerServer 2022 documentation. After this, I tried to...
Hi, We are Evaluating PB2022 for Procuring Licenses.  Installed and migrated our application to 2022. (Train Trying to make Power Server App.  Our Database is Oracle. (Down loaded the drivers when asked and installed) We are facing the issue aft...
how do i implement openinterfaces in wildfly 10 ?...
Hi, I am getting a powerserver error when I am updating a datawindow with a package stored procedure in Oracle 19. My Powerbuilder version is: Appeon Powerbuilder 2021 CloudPro Edition. Database is Oracle19 64 bit. When I am updating a datawindow...
Hi Appeon,   I would like to know if Powersever 2020 build 2703 has an issue with connecting with MS SQL 2019?    I have published an application but needs ms sql 2019 for database but I cant connect as powerserver reports:     The same sql ...
Hi,  Does anybody knows what will happen to web apps using PowerServer 2020 and the Appeon IE plugin after 6/15 (MS upcoming change)? Will it work?  What are the alternatives?   Thanks, Tal.  ...
Hi. We had an old powerserver (Appeon for Powerbuilder v.2015) installed in a client. They had an web application running. Recently we decided to upgrade to PowerServer 2020. Everything went ok. We then redeployed the application using Powerbuilder...
Challenge we have The DB Connections are pooled by IIS, Oracle 19c as BACKEND and we would not able to capture the OS USER ID for Auditing the actions. Audit of user actions are captured using bcakend triggers and user name is used as "OS USER", si...
Hello, I'm trying to fix IWArunner on a powerserver 2019 server. After I install it on my pc this is the error message I am getting when trying to run it.  2022-02-07 13:29:42 Download failed. HTTP status is abnormal. The error code is the HTTP sta...
Hi, We using tooltips in our datawindows, but for translation, we need to set them with modify. When run as desktop application, this works perfect, but deployed to the powerserver, no tooltip is showed. With describe, I see the properties are set, ...
Hi Appeon,    It's been my 3rd time reinstalling powerserver on my server and every time I always encounter this error:    It's getting frustrating because all the fixes that I know has been applied to this server to no avail.  I gave IIS_IUSR...
Hi Appeon,   Im trying to publish to a Powerserver but it requires me to have a full write access to the wwwroot folder. Internally im not allowed to do that because of the company's policy about the application publication.    my question is, is...
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