Discussions tagged DataType

Hi guys;   Thanks for your time. I need to know what type of data retrieve a query; when use a datawindow. I put into context what require or intend to do.I have several queries to make to a database; on several tables, with different types of dat...
I have multiple datawindows that call Oracle stored procedures.  Each procedure returns only ONE result set.  I'm finding in datawindow they do NOT like datatypes of NUMBER or LONG.  I've been changing them to Decimal(0) yet I can't really say that's...
Hi, I wanted to share the following situation, in case there is a solution for this.I'm using PB2022, build 1900 and the database is Oracle 19 I'm getting the error "The Int64 type is not compatible..." and below is an example of a situation where ...
Hi,  Using PowerBuilder 2019 R3 build 2703 with SQL Server version ?  ( I know it is new. 'SELECT @@version' returns  Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8   Jan 12 2023 05:25:39   Copyright (C) 2022 Microsoft Corporation ) DBMS=ODBC DBParm=Conne...
Hello, Using PB 2019 R3 build 2703, PostgreSQL 11, Windows 10  [ Both computers ] We created a datawindow using the following query [ not a real query ] Select Cast(0 as decimal(17,3)) as billedquantity, Cast(0 as decimal(17,3)) as stockquantity, ...
Hi, We have a powerserver mobile project that use SQLite3 as a local DB. The tables has decimal datatype columns but when we create a new DW with that tables as a datasource the PB recognize that columns as a WVARCHAR and we can't use these columns ...
Hi Guru   How long can a 'string' field be?...
Hi everyone, I have a .NET webservice that return an Structure with a DataTable datatype: When I call the webservice from PowerBuilder I get the TypeResultQuery structure, but DT is determined as Any datatype for Powerbuilder: I tried to create a...
How much memory is used by each of the following standard data types? Date Time Datetime Real Double Decimal  ...
Hello, We are missing several metadata types after the database change from Oracle 10 to Oracle 11. how can we add these? (Example: Timestamp)   tia...
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