Discussions tagged Windows OS

Hi Appeon   Will PowerBuilder work on the new Microsoft Copilot+ ARM based Windows machines ? And if yes will it be using the x86 emulator or natively? If only the emulator will Appeon support Windows ARM based computers or only on legacy x86 ? ...
Morning all   using pb2023 windows 10   I need to check whether the timestamp or modified date is newer or older than another file for example these two files c:\myfiles\data1.txt  \\server\myfiles\data1..txt How would i do this within powerbu...
We have windows based application developed on PowerBuilder 2017 and which connects to SQL server 2014. Recently, server protocol upgraded to tls 1.2. From then, application can not connect to database server and it throws SSL hand shake failed error...
Hi,   I'm using PowerBuilder 12.5 Classic and want to retrieve the username/computer name of the client upon login.   I have tried some scripts, but none of them are working. I need help with this. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. ...
I have noticed that any of our newer programs are no longer showing up in the Windows taskbar when they start up.  I didn't notice that issue in our older programs, but it may have happened.  If a program takes a while to start up (working remotely, ...
When I click on the Powerbuilder 17 icon to start it up it shows the splash screen then the icon appears on taskbar but I cannot actually open anything.   I suspect something is corrupted but I do not know how to fix it. Does anybody have any sugg...
Hello, On Windows 11 can't connect to the Oracle client Here is the environment: PowerBuilder runtime: 2019 R3 Build 2703 Oracle Client: Instantclient_19_18 and path is set correctly Visual Studio Redistributable (64) 2015-2022 The error: OCI.DL...
HI All, Currently my applications are build in Powerbuilder 2017 R3 version and we are planning to migrate from Windows 10 to 11. Requesting your updates / suggestions whether Powerbuilder 2017 R3 build application will support/work in Windows 11 ma...
I'm running InfoMaker 2021 Build 1509 on a Microsoft Server 2019 and would like to find out which individual reports are being run by end-users compared to which aren't. The server hosts 29 InfoMaker executables and each executable has anywhere from ...
Hi, Does anyone know how I can trigger a "Windows notification" from PowerBuilder (PB 2022 GA) and API call I guess but I don't know how :-)    Thanks  //Steen...
We have migrated PB9 application to PB2021. Application is working fine on Windows 2016 but crashing on Windows 10 and Windows 2019. Is this a known issue? Are there any specific options we need to use to build and deploy? ...
I have a client with about 10 or so 'super' users who often work remotely.  When they need to use the application (PB 2021), they RDP into a Windows 2019 Server desktop, launch the app that is deployed there and go about their daily work.  The applic...
I need to extend a picture button so that I can control where the text is placed in the button better. I also want to make the button have a 'hover' image like a web button. This has proven challenging, but I've made a sample user object below that...
What version of PowerBuilder supports Windows 11?...
Howdy All, We are currently on PB 2019 R3, and noticed when running in Windows 11 that the scrollbar on dropdown datawindows is translucent and causes text to show behind it. This makes it look somewhat odd, and outside of hiding the dropdown arrow ...
Hi, we use Powerbuilder19 and are in the process of migrating to Powerbuilder21. In our application when we minimize windows they are usually arranged in the lower left corner. Now after the upgrade to windows 11 my minimized windows look like t...
PB 2017-R3/Windows 10(32) After migration to Win 10(32) the following code related to graphics stopped working. FileExists confirms the existence of the file but ReadFromFile failed(just hanging) do not see the way to debug farther  if not FileExis...
Need: To implement a method in a Powerbuilder web service to save a file in a network directory receiving the file (blob) and the full path as parameters. IssuesScenario 1: Method implemented with Powerbuilder file functions.Problem: It works when u...
We just moved a bunch of scheduled tasks from Win Server 2013 to 2016 and now scheduled tasks cannot print.  It leaves an instance of splwow64.exe in task manager for each print failure. Using 2019 R2. Any Ideas?...
I'm currently testing PowerClient with Pb2019r3. It seems to work fine as a "Self-service" deployment tool, but I was wondering if there is a way to "push" the initial version of an application in order to avoid each end user to install it for the f...
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