Discussions tagged Resize

Hi All I have an app which is working fine, it was written to fit a screen resolution of 1920 x 1024 as customer requested, however they now have a user that uses the screen 1920 x 1024 but at 175% so nothing fits. What is the best way of coping wi...
Good morning, I want to resize my datawindows depending on the dimension of the screen. all this in Powerbuilder 2022R2. Regards, Edi  ...
Hello, First I tell you that this issue is NOT there in PB 2022 R2 build 2819.  We just compiled that same application with R3 and are facing these issues. Issue is in PB 2022 R3 build 3289 + tabbedview + PFC Resize without PFC - Appeon Community +...
I have an ancestor window with a general move and resize everything event in it that happily moves all controls as you resize the window that inherits it. The inheritor runs super::resize(...) to actually run the move/grow. When I try an implement ...
Goodnight.Guys, I would like to know if there is a way if, when resizing a window, all objects inside are resized together?I have powerbuilder 11.2 and 2022. Thanks....
We've got resizing working for our mdi windows with datawindows on them, but the drop-down datawindows within the datawindows do not resize (the font is still quite small). Is there any way to get these to resize? Please see the screenshot uploaded b...
Hello, PB 2022 build 1892, NO PFC, using Kevin Ridley's Resize services 1.  Resizing of objects inside a window, works fine.  Even DW's inside tab's are resized.2.  Now placing a splitbar [ u_st_splitbar from PFC ] in between upper DW and below Tab...
Interesting, I just saw that the video replays area has a Feedback link.  I think this is a tremendous idea and would really help the presenters.  We do these sessions each year but never hear what people think of them.  I think it would make future ...
We are using EZTwain Pro 4 to interface with scanners connected directly to users desktops. Immediately after calling the scan function li_rtn = TWAIN_AcquireMultipageFile(0, ls_fullfilename) the application resizes itself, the title bar is partial...
I've tried the example titled "PFC Resize without PFC" by Kevin Ridley (https://community.appeon.com/index.php/codeexchange/powerbuilder/268-pfc-resize-without-pfc#409) and it works fine for window controls, but I've tried to get resizing to work on ...
Hello, we have recently started using themes and are wondering if there is any option to make the resize area bigger. Resizing at the corners is nearly impossible. Resizing at the sides is difficult. Our margin is 1px which looks nice. The only...
In migrating to PB 2019 R3, we found a behavior change on datawindows with a populated group trailer band. In PB 2017 and earlier, our collapsed trailer bands w/ content (text, fields, etc) would autosize when data was retrieved - even when the chec...
After upgrading Infomaker to 2019r2, after I've created a .exe for users to deploy reports, the preview window of the report is now small and size locked in the upper left hand corner.  There are vertical and horizontal scroll bars but you can't maxi...
Hello,   I'm using PowerBuilder 2017 R3. We have an issue that our windows flicker alot when opening them due to different operations that are being performed (changing texts based on database entries, showing/hiding certain objects based on user ...
Hi All, We are facing an astonishing issue with PB2019 32bit due to missing resizing see correctlayout.png and wronglayout.png . At Windows Server 2016 (via RDP) and under Citrix Xen/xp 6.5 (independent from OS) the resize event is not fired for a ...
I am attempting to update a legacy PB desktop application that was NOT built with the PFC so that it will resize when maximized.  I retrofitted the PFC resize functions into the ancestor windows and datawindows of my application.  It seems to work fi...
Good morning. A question about the resize. I am developing my application with 1920x1200 resolution. I want to open my frame with the largest possible size in a 1024x768 resolution mode. It seems to me that powerbuilder has its Powerbuilder...
​I want to open the window with opensheet(). And I used the pfc_n_cst_resize.of_SetOrigSize() in base. The window not fill screen when I running the project. How should I improve or pay attention? * Original! change to La...
Hello to all I'm trying to convert our applications to docks in pb2017. Unfortunately I have a problem with the positioning of the windows.. All are positioned a little further down. some idea ? thank you Gimmy P.S. - I checke...
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