Discussions tagged Command Line
Build from command line with Git, PowerBuilder and Orca 2002R2
- Resolved
- Issue
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Gastón Clara replied 1 year ago
I have a bunch of applications that are correctly running and I am able to do incremental and full builds, and completely deploy them with no issue (only some warnings).
I want to automate the process by deploying them from the command line usi...
Get handle from Parent Process (C#) to Execute Child Process(PB application)
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Rajkumar Paramasivam replied 1 year ago
Our C# application needs to use a specific business feature within a PowerBuilder application. As advised by our technical team, the C# application will send instructions to the PowerBuilder application using commands. The PowerBuilder application...
How can I use command line build (deploy) using links / export file / incremental ? currently i use PB IDE UI and deploy our desktop application. some recommended OCRA Script but can anyone explain a step by step process for the build please
- How-to
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Armeen Mazda @Appeon replied 1 year ago
Hi kind souls,
Please could you give me a step by step procedure how to build deploy or incremental build my workspace or individual targets using command line. I have seen some command scripts not entirely working correctly. Is there a way i can te...
How do you check if the build was successful or not? Does PBAutobuild return value like 0 = OK, other values = the error number?
Is it described somewhere? I haven't found it.
Thank you...
convert Hexdecimal string to base64 without using blob variable
- How-to
- Last updated 3 years ago
- Wagdy Akeela replied 3 years ago
convert Hexdecimal string to base64 without using blob variable ?...
How to send Exe parameters using batch file ?
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 4 years ago
- Michael Kramer replied 4 years ago
Environment :
PB2017 R3 , Windows 10
Batch file has the following command to open "abc.exe" executable from "destination" folder
start "" "%destination%\abc.exe" "Parm1"
But the Parm1 is not passed to application, although the Run command works...
Documentation of pbc170 parameters
- How-to
- Last updated 5 years ago
- Adrian Hernandez replied 5 years ago
Is there any documentation of the parameters for the stand alone compiler pbc170?
I am trying to execute a command line build :
pbc170.exe /d "C:\Build\PBTit-CCH-17\PBL\ge_imed\imed.pbt" /o "C:\Build\PBTit-CCH-17\PBL\ge_imed\imed.exe" /r "C:\Build\PBTit-CCH-17\PBL\ge_bitmaps\imedicons.pbr" /w n /f /m y /tr n /in n /op 0 /x 32 /bg...
I have a trial version of PB2017 on my machine. I successfully migrated the some application from the PB12.6 and try to build exe file from command line. But failed with error: Application 'main' not found in library.
My command line :
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