Discussions tagged .NET Core Framework

Hi Team.   Whether DEP [Data Execution Prevention], ASLR[ address space layout randomization] enabled during powerserver compile and deployment, if not how we can enable this   Below is observation from VAPT vendor Observation:   Missing Securit...
Does anyone have either any successful examples of using HTTPClient to consume a .Net Web API that requires XML to be passed to it? OR know why I’m receiving the error\issues below when trying to pass the XML? I’m using PowerBuilder 2021 Profe...
Hi Guys A quick question. I'm trying to build a DLL for Dot Net Core 3.0. I've chosen that as the Target Framework and when I build I get the following error: NU1100    Unable to resolve 'Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref (= 3.0.0)' for '.NETCoreApp,Versio...
Hi, we are using the addToLibraryList() function to dynamically extend the library list of our application, to dynamically use other/new powerbuilder objects like datawindows etc. This seems to be not fully supported anymore when deploying a powerse...
Hi,I am trying to use the feature that include PowerBuilder to Import .NET DLLs.So I have created a very basic app with PowerBuilder that include a non visual object imported with the Tool .NET DLL Importer.This non visual object is a C# .NET DLL mad...
is it possible to load a sqlselect from a model without params?   I have this structure: [SqlParameter(name: "first", dataType: typeof(int))][SqlParameter(name: "second", dataType: typeof(int))][FromTable("mytable", Schema = "DBA")] [SqlWhere("...
  How can i retrieve Data from Model using the sqlselect attribute and paramvalues? I already ask a stackoverflow question; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68129138   How can I retrieve data from my SQL-Model using the SqlSelect attribut...
Dear Team, I have created API links in SNAP, when I am sending post request to MSSQL server 2005. it's giving below error.  Can anyone advise to resolve below issue.   System.ArgumentException: The version of SQL Server in use does not support da...
Hi, We have developed a SnapDevelop WebApI using 2019 R2. When I deploy it to IIS in this case on the same machine (windows 10) where we developed it, I get the error below while accessing it:     We have made sure all permissions are availab...
I am trying to deploy a web api I created with SnapDevelop from a development server to a production server and am getting the attached error when calling the api.  The api uses aspnetcore v2.1.1 (via nuget) and I had the client install that on produ...
Hello, (probably someone from Appeon should answer this question) On your website "Installation Guide of SnapDevelop (PB Edition) 2019" you have listed this as requirements:   Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 SDK Microsoft .NET Core SDK 2....
Hi All, This is INFORMATION - Not request for help You may experience issue with VS Code not recognizing C# code targeted for .NET Core 3.0 if you also have SnapDevelop installed. Same issue may occur if you have any app installed that embeds MSBui...
This may be more of a question I can post on the dotnet forums but I wanted to asked for the expert opinion from the Appeon community first. Lets say I create a web api from my data windows using the C# generator. I want to have a database for each ...
Hello: we have developed a Web Service using PB2017 Universal version. The .msi installer has been created and the Web Service has been deployed in the test server. However when trying to invoke the WebService, the following arises: Line 74:     ...
Hi All, We are migrating a NVO to REST C# Web API. One of the methods that has to be migrated gets as argument a datastore and return, by reference, two (02) string arrays: column_names and dataTypes_names The PB method get the number of datastore ...
https://dzone.com/articles/wpf-and-winforms-will-run-on-net-core-3    ...
Hi, Environment : Appeon PowerBuilder 2017 R2 Database : SQL Server 2012 Would I be right in assuming that even with an OLE Database blob column in a datawindow that the actual writing of the blob to a varbinar(Max) column still has to be achieved...
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