Discussions tagged AutoCompiler

Hello! Is it possible to automate the delivery of my application using Azure DevOps? Where can I get a practical example? Thanks...
Hello! Is it possible to automate the delivery of my application using Jenkins? Where can I get a practical example? Thanks...
Hello All,   Is anyone aware of a way to embed a manifest or use an external manifest in an exe generated using orcascript? We are currently using PowerBuilder 2019 R2 Build 2353. We are using Git as source control. After initial PBL upload we neve...
Hello, Our application was experiencing the issue described in this Appeon knowledgebase article where a RichTextEdit control's WordWrap property is checked but the text was still not wrapping. I was able to successfully adjust the pb.ini file on my...
Hi.I have problems compiling our application on our Teamcity buildserver using AutoCompiler 2019R3.When executing this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\AutoCompiler 19.0\pbc190.exe" /d C:\BuildAgent\work\ed38704f104cf71f\buisy\buisy.pbt /o C:\Build...
PowerClient looks very exciting as a way to solve the perennial client/server problem of deploying code to clients! But I have questions about a couple of aspects that are making me think it’s not something we can use yet. I haven't had any hand-on ...
We are using PowerBuilder 2019 R2.  ( When we run our application, that was generated using the autocompiler (pbc190.exe) we are getting an error: When we build the application using the IDE and run it there are no errors. There are ...
When performing a compile using the autocompiler for PB 2019 R2, it seems to generate a log file but the filename seems to change depending on when and where I do the compile. Here is an example of my compile using pbc190.exe: C:\temp_git\Powerbuil...
When switching our internal build system to support the PowerBuilder Standalone Compiler (pbc170) I ran into several issues that might be worth looking at.   The compiler does not provide a proper exit code. In my tests several different build fai...
Source control in PB2017 and 2019 was improved to no longer export all objects into a common folder. It now creates a subfolder for each PBL and extracts it's source there. This avoids the problem of having objects with the same name in multiple PBLs...
Hallo Appeon Team, we want to switch from MSSCCI Provider to native GIT interface and we want use the Powerbuilder compile on our CI Server. The migration to GIT works fine and on the source code level we could use this feature, but for our CI Pipel...
Hello, I'm creating a Chocolatey package for the standalone PowerBuilder Compiler (PBC). The goal is to silently install PBC on hosted agents for our automated build process in Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS). I generated an InstallShield response file...
Hello,  I was able to create my PBL files from the objects that were in my ws_objects folder. However, when I try to open the workspace in PowerBuilder I get a prompt to migrate the target.  Is it possible to set a version via orca script so that a...
  Ideally, we would like to be able to do the following: Track all of our objects that exist in the ws_objects folder to source control (Bitbucket) We typically include PBL files in our .gitignore file so they would never be committed to our r...
Hi all, Currently, the AutoCompiler utility only supports compiling .exe applications. Does Appeon have any intention to support .NET targets in future releases - specifically the new .NET assembly feature coming out in PB 2018? Thanks, Don Ollive...
On an isolated build server where there is NO pb.ini file, what is the compiler behavior [PB] DashesInIdentifiers=1   Integer my-name-is-i, i i=i-1 Will there be a compiler error? If so which   ...
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