Discussions tagged WinAPI

PB 2022 I am writing code to support Copy/Paste of Files to my application.  I use the following to get the information. IF guOS.OpenClipboard(0) THEN   lptr = guOS.GetClipboardData(15)   lsFile = Space( liAllocate )   liFiles = guOS.DragQueryFile(...
Hi, We are trying to upgrade the application from PB12.5 to PB 2022 R2. Currently we are encountering the Label printing issue. In PB12.5, the declared external function signature is working well. But in PB2022 R2 Version the same signature is not ...
Prior to posting this question, I did already refer to these two excellent articles/tutorials by Bruce Armstrong and John Fauss:    - https://community.appeon.com/index.php/articles-blogs/tutorials-articles/2-powerbuilder/158-communication-with-a-sm...
I am trying to write a simple console application for the purpose of running (unit or integration) tests of existing PB code in various libraries. The idea is that I have a dedicated target XXXXTest that includes libraries from the main project and r...
Hello All, I need to redirect the Console Output to a PowerBuilder APP in my production enviroment i am a code based in this sample https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/SYBPB/Redirect+Console+Output it works perfect in 32 bits now i need to mak...
Downloaded R3 trial version and tried to compile Kodigo OpenExplorer from below SF link. https://sourceforge.net/projects/kodigo/ Re-compiled canvas.pbx using VS2015 and PBNI libs from PB2017 R3, imported the PBX in the PBL , removed fcxpbni.pbd an...
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