Discussions tagged CSV

Hello Team, Please let us know whether the issue still persists. We are working with PB2022 R2 (1878).  "When we got a requirement to change the delimiter in csv, we changed saveas to SaveasFormattedText. The function works for small result sets Bu...
I have encountered a situation where my application is trying to open a file that turns out to be UTF16-LE with no BOM. As documented, PB's FileOpen function won't detect that and thus reads the file incorrectly. But in the situation where I'm readi...
Hello Team, I am using PowerBuilder 2019 in my application. The application has an option to save the files as .csv(Comma Separated Value File Type). Our Client wants to change the delimiter from 'comma' to some other special character. Tried to cha...
Hi All,  I need obtein the CSV file with the ; separator en PB2019 R2, Could you help, please?  This is the code    choose case ls_extension case 'CSV'               dw_1.Saveas(c:\file, CSV!, TRUE) end choose This is the example file, obtein no...
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