Discussions tagged Event Handling

*Phenomenon: Need to detect Triple Click similar to DoubleClicked and Clicked Events in Powerbuilder. Is there any way to detect the triple click in powerbuilder. Some of our clients needs functionality with Triple Clicks in Editable Fields in Dat...
Hi I am developing functinality to convert .jpg to pdf using webbrowser to open the file and save as pdf. The problem is make script creating the web browser windows wait until the browser is finished opening the file save the pdf. the webbrowser ...
I'm running InfoMaker 2021 Build 1509 on a Microsoft Server 2019 and would like to find out which individual reports are being run by end-users compared to which aren't. The server hosts 29 InfoMaker executables and each executable has anywhere from ...
Am I right in thinking that if I have a non-visual COM object, that I can connect to with ConnectToNewObject on an OleObject, there is no way to see or process events that it might throw? I know about using a user object OleObject so I can catch the...
Hello, We have a datawindow control in our application which includes code in the itemfocuschanged event to perform some additional processing when column data is changed in the datawindow. We have added some error checking at the beginning of the e...
We have need to add some logging to all response windows in our system via a common ancestor. I just tried adding ue_constructor (event type pbm_constructor) with needed code on it, and it never fires. We can't use the open event because too many win...
PB 2017 Rel 3 and onward: Is there any documentation on each one of the unmapped pbm_xxxxx event IDs (listed in the Event ID drop-down list in the Event Script Painter) and their argument values? For example, event ID pbm_dwclosedropdown. From its n...
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