Discussions tagged Export

PBAutoBuild fails with JSON syntax error. Client/Server App Scenario 1: Build pbl's from GIT into Workspace Setup 1 is: SourceControl = GIT Encoding = UTF-16 LE BOM Start of JSON file: { "MetaInfo": { "IDEVersion": "220", "RuntimeVersion": "22...
In a datawindow object it is possible to insert an object of type hyperlink, which when exported to Pdf, hyperlinks also work. ...
Hi, can I set "Packaging custom font in the generated PDF file" Application parameter from code for a specific datawindow? There's application variable nativepdfincludecustomfont but it's inaccessible from PowerScript. I can't embed fonts to all p...
  We have a piece of code that exports XML from datawindows to make an extract between our system and another. This has not been tried in development as it was a link only available in one site's production environment. Other XML extracts do work ...
Hello, at our company we are currently in the process of migrating our relativly big PowerBuilder project to Git.So far that has worked fairly well, but we have encountered an issue where it would be interesting to know how this was ment to work and...
Hi all, I use Powerbuilder 2021, build 1506 I want to export Data once datastore is retrieved. Simple as that. I got XML Template like this (this is extraction from Edit source of datawindow): export.xml(usetemplate="efaktura_avans" headgroups="1...
Hello Team, I am using PowerBuilder 2019 in my application. The application has an option to save the files as .csv(Comma Separated Value File Type). Our Client wants to change the delimiter from 'comma' to some other special character. Tried to cha...
Greetings,   My boss has requested that I extract all of the source code from a PowerBuilder application to a separate single file for him to review.  Does PowerBuilder have an option or a utility application to extract all the source code from a w...
Hi; I've been asked to modify an Infomaker report that contains sensitive info so that the user cannot save it. (Evil, I know.) Is it possible to disable the printing and "save rows as" options on reports?   Thank you! Keeley...
Hi,   I have a requirement that i need to export the datawindow into rtf word format with all design and data formating as like in datawindow. how i would do that?, Can you guide me.    ...
We are trying to export a report to .xlsx format with a PB 2019 application using PowerServer 2020. Here is the GetFileSaveName call we are using for the dialog. GetFileSaveName ( "Save As", ls_path, ls_file, "", "Excel with headers (*.xls),*.xls,Ex...
Hi. I am using PB 2017 R3 Build 1858. When exporting a datawindow to excel12 the width of the string-columns is huge (254,29), regardless of whether the column contains onbly short texts. When using excel8 for export the columns are only 10,71 wide...
Hello, We have recently upgraded our system to PB2017 from PB12.5 and noticed an issues when working with VSS source control. There is an issue in exporting and importing of DW with UTF data hard coded in it. When working with VSS, "SUB" character ...
How to create a XML template for datawindow with conditional child element? I am trying to integrate PBUnit with an integration tool and I need failure element to appear in result only when test failed. Please advise. Thanks,Yuri      ...
Hello. Is there any (easy) way to export the presentation layer of a datawindow preferably as excel. I have searched around and haven't managed to find anything that gives you an export of "what you see" on the datawindow. My next try is probably go...
Hello community, I am exited with new option to export Datawindow to Json format. Could you please help me to figure out how to achieve the following: 1. Exported field names are different from column names. How to specify/map the Json field names w...
After migrating my source to PB2017, the exports for the datawindows still say "Release 8" (Migrating from PB8). The only way I see to change that line is to open EVERY datawindow and save them...even without making any actual changes. Does thi...
Hello to all I have a problem exporting the data in xml format It can be exported with a 3-level hierarchy eg: customer invoice article N.B. Many articles on an invoice Many bills in a customer Many customers The dw allows you to h...
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