Discussions tagged Outlook

Hi everyboy. I am looking for a way to open a send email window with an attachment with the new Outlook from a Powerbuilder application. Apparently this new version is no longer compatible with COM or VSTO or (MAPI ? ) https://learn.microsoft.com/...
Hi, I'm trying to add CC address to an email I send from PB. Settting the subject, To (single receiver) work fine, but trying to add the CC gives error "incorrect number of parameters".   here is an extract of the code // This part works finelol...
Hi, I have created an application for a customer, that sends email through users Outlook. It has worked without problems for years. For some time ago we switched the distribution of the application into Cloud App launcher model. Works fine. Now we...
Hi All, PB Version: PowerBuilder 2021 (Build 1509)/ MS SQL Server 2019. Outlook version: Outlook 2016 BillingInformation [MailItem.BillingInformation property (Outlook)]: a place holder to store all the File ID's that i want to send one email to. ...
Hi all   How do i create an appointment in outlook from my app ? I am using ole for sending email via outlook , but never tried to set an appointment  using 2017 R3    Thanks...
Recently migrated to PB2019 R2 Build 2328 and Outlook 365/Win10 coming across a weird issue with my application exe. works fine in the code. we have a screen in the application to send email on a button click. it creates a local mailsession object a...
Hi, We are migrating our VDI desktops to Windows 10 and Office 365 (32 bit) In our PB application, we are using MSMAPI control to retrieve outlook items and also send emails.  With the current implementation, there is a popup that comes up asking ...
We have an internal application for dealing with emails that come in to our Outlook Inbox. It accesses Outlook via connection to the "Outlook.Application" OLEObject, and also uses the Redemption SafeMailItem OLEObject to avoid popups about being allo...
Hello, I use to build outlook Email with OLE components and I want to insert the default digital signature in the htmlbody. Someone can help me?   I give you part of my code with the variables declarations : OLEObject viole_applicationOLEObject ...
Been using variations of this code for years but we transitioned to Windows 10 64 bit and Office 2016 with Outlook 32 bit version.  Changed the app to be 64 bit. Creating appointment item for meeting request and set a bunch of properties but .reci...
Hi, Does anybody know if Powerbuilder 32 app works with Outlook 64bit? Regards ...
Hi just to comment on the bug mentioned in the title: (HIH). We have the same problem with PB12.6. Not sure if the user is using MAPI or OLE, but for both we solved this problem by "flushing". Since to do so you have to use OLE, MAPI has been disc...
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