Discussions tagged Web Service

Hi, I have created an application that uses SOAP interface about 15-20 years ago and it has worked without problems. I created service and proxies from WSDL and in code used it SoapConnection connconn = create SoapConnection rval = conn.CreateInst...
Good morning, During these days an automatic process is carried out from my PB application. When working with XML files, I use the PBDOM and when reading XML files and then making inserts to the DB, I get this error, which can be seen in the Image....
Hi there,   I need to call a webservice using HTTPclient. The service have several parameters (strings) and one parameter should contain XML-query. When post with XML-query 400/Bad request is returned. With empty parameter 200/Ok is returned. Ho...
Hi There, When using HTTPClient to consume SOAP WebService, is there any built in power builder function available in 2019 R3 version to get the response boolean value (True / Failse) as a response from WebService. Regards, Durai Raj...
Hi, I'm wondering how to handle update requests in my API, where the request does not necessarily include all the properties that the API is able to update.The API might be able to receive a DTO with 10 properties, but if your JSON only contains 5 o...
Hi. I've found that DevMagic Studio preview version is available (Download DevMagic Studio | DevMagic Website). Can it be installed on a computer where SnapDevelop is already installed or there may be any conflict? Also what are Appeon's plans abou...
Sorry if this is a dumb question. I've been away from PB coding for a couple years now and trying to get back up to speed, especially on the new PowerServer functionality. When I deploy PS for an app does that also essentially give me a web api that...
Hi, is it possible to use unicode characters on powerserver cloudapp? On a native powerbuilder app we have to append "DisableBind=0,NCharBind=1" to the DBParm, if we don't use that, some chars are recognized as questions marks (?). Example: The fol...
hello all We are using this code to call a WebService :Please help  lo_client = Create httpClient lo_client.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8") lo_client.SetRequestHeader("SOAPAction", ls_soap_action) lo_client.SetRequestH...
We want to use Zapier and get data using webhook.  Anyone can tell us how I can do this please?...
Hello everyone, I have a problem with my powerbuilder webservice, where for some reason I always get an error when giving retrieve, when I search for the query the result comes just like in print   ps: ignore the marked part   I added the part of...
Hello, we are having a problem with the powerbuilder webservice, where it cannot access the registry functions(registryget, registrykeys)   print: vls_aux = -1...
when i call ws give faultstring  System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Could not load file or assembly 'Sybase.PowerBuilder.Interop.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundExcept...
Hello everyone!   I am using PB 2021 and ASA 17   I need to do validation of  VAT number from Vies database in my PB application before I can create sales invoice to customers, which all around EU.  Do any of you have solution for this?  Do you...
Hi, I'm looking for anyone who is currently running Infomaker reports through a web app.  Would such a thing be possible?  We are in the process of rewriting our application to run over the web and hate to lose our 700 Infomaker reports.  Would love...
Hello Team, We recently moved from PowerBuilder SE Version 2017 Build 1666 to Appeon PowerBuilder SE Version 2019 R2 Build 2353 And we had a old Project for generating service DLL from supplied WSDL file (SOAP webservice). We were able to call the...
  I am using Power Builder 2019 R3 version and deploying the desktop app to web based. Our application connects to a database (Sybase ASE 16.0) which is hosted on a server (Unix based). It is understood that after deploying to web, the app installer...
In offline mode of the PB R2 License, I am not able to see Appeon web demo. (5 lessons are there to covert desktop application to web application) . Basically, need to know the lessons or guidance for converting desktop to web based application. Req...
How does powerbuilder webservices application handle multiple requests at the same time.  For example, does it use pooled connections or does it try to open a new connection for each thread....
Need: To implement a method in a Powerbuilder web service to save a file in a network directory receiving the file (blob) and the full path as parameters. IssuesScenario 1: Method implemented with Powerbuilder file functions.Problem: It works when u...
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