Discussions tagged Exception
Every time I try to access SnapDevelop 2022 --> Open PB Workspace it says Unhandled Exception (License Exception), last week I was having issue with Appeon PB 2022 , I restarted my machine it got resolved at that time.
But, this SnapDevelop Licen...
Need: To implement a method in a Powerbuilder web service to save a file in a network directory receiving the file (blob) and the full path as parameters.
IssuesScenario 1: Method implemented with Powerbuilder file functions.Problem: It works when u...
Hello everyone.
I have a PB application which calls Outlook to send messages. I want to trap and log errors if any. Here is my code:
ole_Item = ole_Outlook.CreateItem(0)
ole_Item.HTMLBody = ls_Body ole_Item.Subject
= 'Test message from PowerBuild...
Parsing error in C# Model Generator
- Resolved
- Issue
- Last updated 5 years ago
- Chris Pollach @Appeon replied 5 years ago
I try to generate classes with C# Model Generator.
DB Connection is ODBC - informix.When i test connectiion PB say is ok.
When i try generate classes give me excetption
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException (0x80131937): ERROR [42000] [Informix][In...
I have an XML whose element contains an attribute with a name starting as XML.., So while calling getattribute function on this element I got following exception message. Is there any workaround for this.
Exception Error Using PBDom.BuildFromString - Dev Environment
- How-to
- Last updated 5 years ago
- Martin Eismann replied 2 months ago
I am running into an odd problem with PBDom when parsing XML using PB2017 Classic on Windows10. I am getting an error calling BuildFromString to parse my XML. The error is 'Error calling method of a PBNI object'.
I am only receiving this error...
What do I need to resolve the following error after migrating from PB10 to PB17? Error: "Unresolvable external pbdom_exception when linking reference"
The error occurs on a client's machine, but not developer's machine and I believe it has...
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