Discussions tagged Graph

Hello Using PB 2022 R3 3356 Need to display a value [medical report] in graphical presentation like this Actual value is 26.1 and that to be marked with an arrow [ as shown in the picture] and need to color range to indicator whether it's safe o...
Is it possible to draw graphs in an Excel file from PowerBuilder? I create tables with data in Excel from PowerBuilder, but how can I build charts or pies based on this data? I saw that classes ExcelPieChart, ExcelBarChart, enum eChartType in C# are ...
Hi, this issue is since PB2017 and now we see the same behavior in PB2022 R2. The text under the X and Y coordinate appears in the opposite direction and I believe that it is the same in all right to left languages....
Not clear why the function   SetSeriesStyle() always return -1 in PB2022 R2. I use SetSeriesStyle() in PB2017 R3 and it works perfect. The graph in PB2017 R3 looks like that:   While The same graph in PB2022 R2 looks like that: The graph sho...
Hi, we are as writing testig our migration of our Application from PB 11.5 to PB 2022. The migration went well, with some changing of oure use of java. (ActiveMq JMS to Active Mq NMS) The application is a layout generator that makes 10 thousands of ...
Hello, PB 2019 R3 R3 1.  Create a graph datawindow by selecting the required table [ Graph Type = Column ] 2.  Right Click and select properties of the created datawindow in the design mode PB Closes without any message. Happiness AlwaysBKR Si...
I want take out the scrollbars which are on the picture. I'm using the Powerbuilder-Graph-Example to reproduce it on my app. ...
I notice that i can't put a WebBrowser object inside a datawindow to show my Graphs using JS Libreries as eCharts,.... Do you know other way to add this technologies to my datawindow ?...
I have created a datawindow graph that is a line graph. I am trying to set the line colour and the type of symbol; ll_return = this.SetSeriesStyle ('gr_1','AC MW',LineColor!,8257536)ll_return = this.SetSeriesStyle ('gr_1','AC MW',NoSymbol!) Both ca...
Hello, I'm using PB2017 R3 Build 1868. We have a Report DW in Graph format, the datawindow is set to saveas NavtivePDF!. When I run the report directly on PB2017, the DW graph displays correctly as expected, see attached pdf1. When I save the DW i...
Hello,  is there a way to change the symbols of a legend and or the plotted line data on a infomaker line graph, currently they are automatically assigned symbols when creating a graph. If its possible to change this through the edit data through po...
Is there a way to enter a scale on the category section of a line graph within infomaker ? The option appears grayed out on category and i am unable to input any scale, i am able to change the value scale but i need to adjust both scales.   ...
Chris, We tried downloading and running the redistributable package containing the DirectX Runtime as you suggested with no luck. We tried installing another DirectX runtime that we found on the Microsoft website, but that did not work either. ...
how can i change the colors of datawindow graph (pie chart) which does not contain series ...
can i change the icons in the liner graph square and X and *   and how can i remove it or change it     ...
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