Featured Questions

Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
I am on Powerbuilder 2022 R3 and I am looking into using the new PDFDocument functionality I can't seem to find the functionality to add paging into the document. Say for example "Page 5 of 20" if I am importing 5 datawindows into a document I imag...
After using PB2022 R2 for about 6 hours this day, the IDE crashed (no surprises here).Now each time I am trying to start it, I get the following message, so I am unable to use IDE! I tried restarting the computer (Windows 11 Enterprise 22H2), rein...
Hi, I work with 'classical' menus. I need to change the text of a menu item from code, but when I do so, I lose the shortcut. My manager doesn't want to see the shortcut in the menu text. (if it would be there it would work!). So does anyone know h...
I have noticed that when you have dddw or ddlb with the allow-editing attribute on and the autocomplete mode suggest/append (3) on, and then type in a value that partially matches one or more items in the dropdown list, and then backspace out of the ...
Hello community,  First, I read the Q&A from Peter Theim with a similar topic, but it was marked as resolved, so I'm starting a new question. Second, I'm using PB 2019R3 and I know that dockable windows are obsolete as of PB 2019R2, but I'm tak...
Hi, after applying a theme to an application - is there a way to make the corners of the windows, buttons etc. rounded? It would look more like Windows 11. Those sharp corners are from Windows 10. I've looked in the Theme folders but none of these ...
Hi all PB 2022 R3 windows 10  Can anyone tell me how i can open a PDF file within a window in my application or the best way to view a pdf withing the application, i may be being a bit stupid but i am struggling  thanks in advance as always   An...
Hi, I have a PBNI/WPF external component and my target is x64 (no need to support x32) environment. Using PB2022R3, build 3356 and Visual studio to create the component.. Then I use pbx2pbd220 to get the PBD from the PBX. My question is,  compilin...
Trying to start PB 21 and it halts saying a valid runtime is not found.  The runtime is in the common folder. Any help would be appreciated.  ...
Hi all, I'm trying to add a STOP button on the screen for a merge process so the user can stop the loop if the number of certificates on the selected salesorder is high. I added a yield() statement to the loop and a check for the value of the instan...
Using v2022 R3 Build 3356. When I open the Database Painter, the ISQL/Results tabs do not display. Connected to Informix v10.x|12.x|v14.x interface...
Hello, Using PB 2019 R3, PB 2022 R3 build 3356 Generated a report using native pdf and send that to a w.app number.  If the recipient got Android device, then with no issues, he could open that pdf file and read.   If the recipient got iPhone, then...
Hello Experts, In a datastore, I am inserting a row and placing values for all columns except for the Roll_no column, which is an auto-increment field. I saved the datastore. Now I need to retrieve the value for the column Roll_no. How can I achieve...
I generally don't like to display my ignorance, but I'm going to bite the bullet and ask a stupid question. Following is sample C# code off of Microsoft's website.  If I wanted to make this call from PowerBuilder 2022 R3 instead of C#: Is it poss...
Okay, hopefully I can explain this correct enough that it makes sense.   TL/DR: Datawindow with multiple rows doesn't always show the DisplayColumn because of the where clause in the DDDW query. We have a datawindow that returns multiple rows. I...
Hi, sending emails to remote servers using PB SMTPClient class sometimes leads to -12: The remote server denied the Curl login This happens when ‘curl’ is there on the black list or not on the white list respectivly. Curl provides a w...
Hi, Last time I looked to call .NET libraries from PB. I checked that pbdotnetinvoker.dll library is only supported and compiled in .net 6. We have many libraries and frameworks in .NET 8. Is possible to call libraries compiled in .NET 8? Maybe I ca...
Hi, I've followed the error message while compiling my project from cmd via PBAutoBuild tool (I've PowerBuilder 2022 R3 , RT: Process 'pbautobuild220.exe' exited with code -1073741819 How and where can I see the description or other ...
Hi,   I've got a problem with the codepage of PBAutoBuild output in my console. I've additional chars as in following screenshot:  How can I change the codepage of PBAutoBuild tool? I haven't got any problem with ex. dotnet compile. Regards Pa...
  Hello,   We need your help.   We have a problem passing data between pb2022 and an external function in a dll. All this in 64bits. This function works in PB2019 also in 64bits.   But with PB2022 this is what happens:   The extran fu...

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