Discussions tagged Encoding

Chinese characters couldn't be displayed when querying a DB2 table in PowerBuilder. Could someone help on this? Thanks.  It could be displayed when querying in DB2 command windows....
Hello, I have a question on string encoding behavior when sending an HTML SMTP message. Here is a description of the workflow: First, we are reading in an HTML file as a message template. We are also reading a customizable message from a DataWindow...
Hello everyone! I failed when using string(blob(lb_arr), EncodingUTF8!) to convert the byte array of "?" symbol into characters. The following is my code // UTF-8 Encoding 0xF0 0x9F 0x89 0x82 byte lb_arr[] = {240,159,137,130} string ls_1 = strin...
I want to convert the image file into base64 Image. used following steps. But wen I check that using any online tool it fails String to image tool 01 I open file in stream Mode and stored into byte variable 02 Convert it to string using AnsiEncode ...
Hi, is it possible to use unicode characters on powerserver cloudapp? On a native powerbuilder app we have to append "DisableBind=0,NCharBind=1" to the DBParm, if we don't use that, some chars are recognized as questions marks (?). Example: The fol...
Hello, I have a problem with different encoding behavior of special characters (e.g. äöüÄÖÜß) and empty lines when using different versions of RichTextEdit. The goal is to convert the content of a RichTextEdit to HTML such that it can be send as a ...
I am working on some of features available in Appeon (PowerBuilder 2019) for upgrading from the old version. I need some information/help for the following topics Converting Blob into string I am encrypting the plain text using “SymmetricEncryp...
Hi, I'm currently using PB2017R3 and attempting to utilize the new CrypterObject and CoderObject functionality. I have a text file that contains encoded / encrypted information. I wish to open the file, read the file contents and decode/decrypt var...
Hello,  We have to convert blob data into string. The blob content could be encoded in UTF8, ANSI or UTF16LE.  How to identify which encoder to use for string conversion? Thank you, Yuri...
I'm calling a REST web service with PB2017 R3 using the OAuthClient to upload a file.  The service is very poorly documented, and only shows an HTTP example.  I've been able to use the example and get a file uploaded, but we cannot open or preview th...
Hi all. We are using a Git repository to store our powerbuilder sources and a Teamcity server to build a setup from it.Now, when I commit changes to Git from inside Powerbuilder, this commit contains an "encoding UTF - 8".And that's a problem for Te...
Hello, I followed the example of the help to encrypt in MD5; however, the result is not as expected. Let's see, this is the example: Blob lblb_data Blob lblb_md5 String ls_resultMD5 lblb_data = Blob("Test MD5", EncodingANSI!) CrypterObject...
I have to open a browser and provide it a URL to navigate to. A portion of it needs to be URL Encoded (aka Percent Encoded), because it is a re-direct URL being passed along as a parameter to a login URL, and it also has parameters of its own. I&#...
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