Discussions tagged Service
We are currently using third party solutions to use some of our PowerBuilder apps as a service in Windows.
However, we are in the middle of a Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2022 migration and we struggle to get one them running ok.
Ubuntu 22.0 powerserver Service Issue
- Resolved
- Issue
- Last updated 8 months ago
- Narayana Bhat P replied 8 months ago
WHen we set powerserver module as service and trying start service then we get core dump error but if execute using dotnet then it is staring without issueBelow is the sample config and core dump error from logsample config:
Service config file as b...
I want to consume a REST service sending the JSON format and get a response from the service.
I get the TOKEN using GetJWTToken, which works fine and it is valid, but when I consume the REST service it's require, it returns an error that t...
Using Powerbuilder 2022 R2 2819, Chilkat-9-5-0, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, nssm
In normal client/server application, I could use Chilkat, and unlock it using loo_Glob.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Global"). No issues.
When I try to use the...
PowerBuilder program does not work when runs as service using ‘srvany.exe’
- Issue
- Last updated 1 year ago
- MARK APTEKAR replied 1 year ago
Hi, I am using PowerBuilder 2019 R3 build 2703.
Created service for ‘srvany.exe’ on Windows Server 2016.
Program (let’s call it BAR) starts when runs as a service. Window ‘password’ opens from the application object Open event ‘Open(w_pass)’
User ...
Change Datawindow data access to something other than direct DB connection
- Resolved
- Advice
- Last updated 2 years ago
- Tim Ford replied 2 years ago
Question to the PB Community:
We have a monolithic application consisting of a PowerBuilder frontend and C# .NET application server, both of which are tied to a MS SQL Server database. When the application was first written it was strictly PB, but o...
Passing IDataUnPacker object to API service in unit test
- How-to
- Last updated 4 years ago
- Thomas Rolseth replied 4 years ago
I am creating a unit test (XUnit) for a service in SnapDevelop. The service method takes a DataUnPacker object as a parameter. This gets passed to the API from PowerBuilder using the jsonpackage object. My question is how can I populate this in a ...
PB Custom NVO & C#
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 5 years ago
- Chris Pollach @Appeon replied 5 years ago
In my project have too many custom NVO with not DS or DW.
How to use this NVO in C# code or how to publish RestFull Service with this NVO ?!...
In Beta is possible to publish rest service ?!
I see PB 12.5 can publish rest , but not find in PB 2017 R3 b.1880 to publish rest !...
How to create cluster of webservice
- How-to
- Last updated 6 years ago
- Armeen Mazda @Appeon replied 6 years ago
It's possible to use Azure Fabric Service to create cluster of pb webservices ?!
If is not possible , what can use to create cluster ?!...
RUN WEB SERVICE ( from project object )
- Resolved
- Issue
- Last updated 6 years ago
- Chris Pollach @Appeon replied 6 years ago
when i try to test my ws from powerbuilder it say me:
Errore server nell'applicazione '/progenamws'.
Errore del parser
Descrizione: Errore durante l'analisi di una risorsa necessaria per soddisfare ...
Hi all ,
I have a ws target which one of its functions gets an bytes[] by value . That array represent a pic file ( jpg , png ,bmp )
The function needs to convert this array into a pic file back .
what i am doing now is :
1. Blob() ...
Getting pics via ws
- Resolved
- Issue
- Last updated 6 years ago
- Govinda Lopez @Appeon replied 6 years ago
hi all
I have built a ws. The customer wants to send me pics .
How do i get the pics ?
I don't want to save the pics it self to database ( as a blob ) , just get it somehow , put the file in the h.d and save the full path to it
Deploy .Net Web Service target
- Issue
- Last updated 6 years ago
- Chris Pollach @Appeon replied 6 years ago
I'm getting an error that it can't load a file or assembly Sybase.PowerBuilder.DataWindow.Interop.dll or one of its dependencies. I have deployed PB Runtimes and PB.Net Runtimes. Any ideas on what I am missing?
Which config file is used by appeondotnetcomponent?
- Issue
- Last updated 6 years ago
- Govinda Lopez @Appeon replied 6 years ago
Hello Community,
I have a custom DLL which calls a webservice.
I am calling a webmethod of the DLL through appeondotnetcomponent.of_execinterface() method
A calling app is supposed to provide the info to the DLL.
It works perfectly being calle...
Errors passing a structure to appeonwebservicecomponent.of_callwebservice()
- Issue
- Last updated 6 years ago
- Appeon Support Team replied 6 years ago
Hello Community,
I am implementing a webservice call through Appeon PowerServer 2017.
The call works fine in PB using web service proxy.
The webmethod of the call takes a structure lstr_rqst as a parameter.
1. When I pass the whole paramet...
PB Classic > .NET Webservice calling external SOAP webservice using WS Proxy. Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I hope someone can help with this one.
This problem only happens on a production server not on my developm...
web service DB password secure storage/access
- Issue
- Last updated 6 years ago
- Andres Slachevsky replied 6 years ago
I am refactoring a web service written in PowerBuilder .net back to regular PowerBuilder, and have run into a stumbling block. In the PB .net web service, I would access database IDs and passwords stored in an INI file outside of the IIS wwwroot fold...
Consume a webservice on PB 11.5
- Resolved
- Issue
- Last updated 6 years ago
- Chris Pollach @Appeon replied 6 years ago
i got this problem i'm trying to use this service https://maullin.sii.cl/DTEWS/QueryEstDte.jws?WSDL on my pb 11.5 project but i keep telling me that cannot
i even try with others WS, and nothing... already install...
hi all
How do i return string formatted as xml by .Net ws target
i have the rows retrieved rows , now i have so save it as xml
how do i do that ??
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