Hi ::clipboard() copying function isn't working when the user is connected to a terminal server through Microsoft remote desktop webview. I think the reason is that his web browser is waiting for such action like Ctrl+C triggered from the browser si...
Not a question...  If you are converting from SQL Anywhere to SQL Server, be aware that Powerbuilder and SQL Server don't communicate dates well. If you have a date parameter you are passing in SQL, embedded or in a datawindow/datastore like so:  ...
Can PowerBuilder call below PostgreSQL procedure to return result set (refcursor type) in datawindow ?   CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.get_employee_cursor(emp_id integer, INOUT swv_refcur refcursor DEFAULT NULL::refcursor) LANGUAGE plpgsq...
Greetings - I've been using Infomaker off and on for 20ish years, but I primarily write SQL code directly in SSMS because I find it easier. I'm not here to argue that point, I just offer it as a background understanding for this question. I have a ...
Microsoft Azure documents state "SQL Managed Instance supports Microsoft Entra Authentication and Windows Authentication for Microsoft Entra Principals (Preview)".  FYI "Entra" was previously called "Azure Active Directory". https://learn.microsoft.c...
We're moving a customer from using SOAP Proxy objects to HTTPClient calls.   It's be productive if we could capture the outbound SOAP requests with FIDDLER 4.  We see the newer prototypical HTTPClient requests, but the legacy outbound SOAP WS prox...
I'm noting this as Critical as things were working between PB 2022R3 and Git, then it appeared the communication between them stopped. Initially, I did not see the two environments communicating as I did not see the object statuses within the System ...
I am trying to install the PB 2017 and connect to my git repository. The issue i am having is that we moved our git repository to the cloud (bitbucket.org) and use Windows credentials to log into the repository.   When I try setting up the git for...
Dear Appeon Powerbuilder guys, I'm using PB 2022 (R1) MR 1900 32bit. During processing the response of a HTTP-POST-Request using a loop, PB crashes unexpectedly during concatenation of the incoming Blob-data. This is my code: HTTPClient lrc_DocEn...
IM 2022 End user migrated from IM 2019 using an ORCA based tool I wrote. It walks through all libraries in a folder and migrates each one. In IM 2022 they are getting the following error when attempting to Move or Copy a report from one library to ...
Hello everyone, We have been creating our programs with ORCA for years - more or less without any problems.Now we have switched to PB version 2022/R3 Build 3356 and have the problem that the EXE we created no longer works. If we look at the EXE fil...
Hello! Is it possible to automate the delivery of my application using Azure DevOps? Where can I get a practical example? Thanks...
I am looking for the sample code provided by Georg Brodbeck during his talk on Creating an Advanced & Modern UX with Drag & Drop Using DataWindows, the pbl was called advanced_ux.pbl. Does anyone have the sample code or a way of communicating...
The following code cannot move a computed field to the BR corner precisely. long NewDetailHeight, PrintWidth & , CustomPageLength = 297 /*millimeters*/ & , CustomPageWidth = 210 /*millimeters*/ & NewDetailHeight= CustomPageWidth*1...
PB2023 R3 Windows 10 Hi All I am having an issue where when I edit or create a window function the fields that allow you to name the function or sett the return value or arguments are now now not showing   I have tried removing the layout from th...
Hello everyone!Do you know if it still makes sense (PB 2022 R3) to apply this security when our C/S app runs on Windows 10/11?I have never used it and I want to see in which case I would use it. I would like to know if this configuration has a signi...
We are converting our Client / Server Application and trying to implement our Custom Data Query Tool that allows our clients to Generate a dataset from a SQL query and display the results in a dynamic datawindow with the SyntaxFromSQL method.   This ...
PB 2022 1900 Is it possible for PowerBuilder to support Copy/Paste of files from a local PC to the Remote Desktop session like Windows does?  I was hoping the Windows GetClipboardData() call would be able to do it but its returning nothing. I need t...
Alguien ha trabajado con Pbunit? estoy tratando de implementarlo, pero cuando realizo mi primer test claramente genera error porque pide variables u objetos del entorno de la aplicación que se crean en tiempo de ejecución de la aplicación, quisiera s...
Hi, Recently shifted our application to support Sql server 2022, At present we are using ODB ODBC Data Interface(Data Profile), to connect to Database(SQL Server 2022), Will this  ODB ODBC Data Interface support the application to use SQL Server 2...

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