Discussions tagged Java

Hi, Our main app is a PB 2022 R3 application but we have a lot of satellite Java web apps in our information system. If we move to PowerServer, which if I understand well is a.NET server using REST APIs, can a Java web app call it, for instance to ...
Hi everyone, as the title says, I'd like to know if there's a way to create a Powerbuilder registrable .dll with exposed classes and methods and being able to reuse themin a Java environment.We would use the .dll to generate PDFs through powerbuilder...
I recently migrated and deployed an application to PowerServer 2022 for a client as a proof-of-concept.  The application uses the java runtime via calls to a dll to retrieve and display image files.  When the app is launched in client/server mode via...
hi I installed PB 12.5 and run pb as administrative trying to set JVM but it failed 01 JDK 17.0.5 64 Bit02 JRE  jre1.8.0_31103 Windows 7 64 Bit04 PB 12.5 Build 2511   If I look at my old machine there I have  java jre 8.311 java sdk 17.0.1 JDK...
hi, i'm using PB2019 and i have a problem with the JVM. Is it possible to set the JRE runtime when I call the JVM from executable?I need to set a particular JRE in an application regardless of the one set in the PC where I am running the applicatio...
I'm using PowerBuilder 2019 R3 and the documents are way outdated and only allow for Visual Studio 8.0 and below and the code examples lead you to 404 page not found.  We have the PB as a frontend but need to communicate with COBOL programs that are ...
I have a java class that has one method that takes some parameters as input and returns an array. I need to call this java method from PowerBuilder desktop application by passing the required parameters, and then capture the response from the method ...
Hello, I want to call powerbuilder code from Java and all my research lead to PBNI features. Unfortunatly, it's not so simple to build JNA or JNI mapping to call the PBVM.dll. It's look like an example (java2pb2) existed in the old codeexchange at...
Could you please explain why PowerServer only supports deployment to only certain J2EE application servers (WebLogic, WebSphere, JEUS and WildFly)? If it's a J2EE compliant application it should be able to deploy to any J2EE container - that's the id...
Hi Powerbuilder guru. I open a post in the hope that it will not go off topic. In the company we are trying to write a DLL that must be read by PB and Java. Abandoned the 'NET Assembly target' we wrote this DLL with Visual Studio c #. Assumin...
Hi, We have a very old power builder application. But we dont have the developer who developed this application. We have only java developers. Can we use powerserver web to convert the PB application to java Web Application? Is the java Web ...
Windows 7, 32 bit o/s PowerBuilder v12.1 Eclipse Juno Basic Java 1. I have successfully integrated SVN with PowerBuilder.     This means that SlikSVN and TortoiseSVN are on the VM and working properly. 2. I also have Java code that is invok...
Hello, not sure if anybody can help me with this but thought i'd try.  I have an application that was originally written in Powerbuilder versio 7.0  years ago and has been runningsince about 1999.  I converted it to Powerbuilder version 12.5 awhi...
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