Discussions tagged DB2

Chinese characters couldn't be displayed when querying a DB2 table in PowerBuilder. Could someone help on this? Thanks.  It could be displayed when querying in DB2 command windows....
It's possible to use our nexus oss to download informix driver ?! I try to create db connection and SnapDevelop try to download informix driver from nuget.org. How to change setting to use our nexus oss to download informix drvier ?!...
Hi, we're trying to connect IBM DB2 Version 6.1 to PowerServer2020. We're referencing the installation guide for PS2020 and while it states that PS2020 can connect to IBM DB2 UDB 8.1, 8.2, 9.5 or 10 with IBM JDBC driver it doesn't really t...
Hello, we're planning to connect PowerServer 2020 + Wildfly(as WAS) to IBM DB2/400 6.1 Version. Since it's impossible for us to reproduce the actual production environment and set the test environment, we're looking for any advice on setting up for ...
Hi all, I have a program that must be able to retrieve data based on the previous day's "Approved Date."  I am using PowerBuilder 2017 and I am accessing a DB2 database.  The only retrieval argument in my query is of DateTime type (see query attache...
I can connect if I use the .net driver, but there seems to be a bug in the driver causing some very slow responses. I have set up a 64 bit ODBC connection and tested successfully via the ODBC tool. I have set up datasource NSDADEV_CONTROL and linke...
We  are thinking of migrating our PB Classic application (2017 build 1769) from DB2 v11 to Microsoft SQL Server 2016. Currently we connect to DB2 via ODBC. Any suggestions on what to do? Are they any tools that can help? Will native connection be bet...
Hi,   Is SQLCA.Database = "DatabaseName" not supported by "SNC SQL Native Client(OLE DB)" driver?   The connection object fails to connect to the database unless it's passed as SQLCA.DBParm = "Database='databasename',Provider='SQLNCLI11'"   I ...
Hi , We are trying to convert our legacy application build on Powerbuilder 12.5 /DB2 database to Appeon web. We downloaded the Powerbuilder2017 trial version with powerserver. all works okay except the RPC call. when we are trying to call the Store...
Is Power Builder 2017 compatible with DB2-z/OS V12? ...
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