Discussions tagged PFC

Hi all, I have a dw control on a tabpage with a user event, ue_create_form.  On the dw object itself ( datawindow painter ) none of the columns has a validation rule, validation message, or initial value. Here's the code for ue_create_form: this.I...
Hi All!  It's been a few months since my last question... things are going good!  I really like PB2022 R3... Thank you Appeon. I have a window object with a dw and a tab object. The tab object (ufolder_lab) is inherited from utab_folder, which is in...
Hello everyone, I am running my app on the client PC and I am getting the following error in the following code segment: function: of_printdlg, Code: 32 long ll_hwnd 34 ll_hwnd = handle (aw_obj)35 if ll_hwnd = 0 then36 return -137 end if 39 retur...
I think I isolated my previous question to an issue with PFC.  Was able to create a small project to demonstrate a little of what's going on... I suspect my previous issues are related.  I've attached a zip file with all of my project files. Using P...
Hi all, Thought I'd give PB2022 R2 a try... just changed my MDI window to TabbedView.  Pretty cool! I'm using PB2022 R2, PFC12.5, Windows 11.  I have a custom tab object, ufolder_lab,  inherited from the pfc's u_tab... utab_folder.  ufolder_lab is ...
Hi all, In my application, the toolbars work fine.  If I right-click on the menu at runtime, I can turn the toolbar text on or off.  By default it's off.  How can I change that to be on by default? Not sure where the code is, or what the property i...
I have a PFC application I migrated from 2017 R2 to 2022 and deployed as both Win32 target and Cloud target on my local machine. I began testing the proof of concept cloud app. Windows retrieve fine, but when I try to add a record that uses PFC LINKA...
Me again! Today when testing my app, I keep getting a popup asking for a retrieval argument for edit_user.  That's not a field I would ever do a retrieval argument on. Not sure why PB is asking for a retrieval argument. The window I'm opening has...
Hi all, Another strange one.  I've got a window with a dw on it, inherited from PFC u_dw. I've got code for the dw that has 3 user events.  ue_cut_rows, ue_copy_rows, ue_paste_rows. I can cut/copy rows, then paste rows, works fine.  But, when I sav...
Hi all, I have a window with a tab folder.  The tab folder has 4 tabs.  In one of the tabs, I need to open a pop-up window from the dw on the tab page to do some calculations.  (The window pops up from an option on the RMB menu). The dw has a couple...
Hi Friends, I have an MDI app.  In one of MDI sheets, I have a dw object and a tab object.  Both objects have code for the rbuttonup event that pops up a different menu depending on which object or tab is clicked. When the user has the app running ...
Hi all, My customer noticed something very strange... when he's got my application running, then clicks on the desktop (or runs another app from his task bar), then comes back to my application, the Drag/Drop event is firing.  I sprinkled the code w...
Hi all, I've got a dw that I want to over-ride the default Windows paste behavior on.  In my dw the user can copy (CTRL+C) a value, then highlight several rows and paste (CTRL+V).  I have an event ue_keypress for the keypress event, and trap CTRL+V....
I've got a couple of DW's that I want to be read-only under certain conditions.  I use PFC's  dw.of_SetUpdateable( FALSE ), but I also don't want any of the columns to be "clickable".  So, I add  dw.modify("Datawindow.ReadOnly=YES").  This work, but ...
Me again, In my window with a parent DW that has 3 DDDW fields, if I select something from the one of the DDDW's, it appears that the dw update status is changed to Modified! The DW is set to not updateable. When I close the window, I get a message ...
Hi all, I've got a datawindow with 3 DropDownDW's.  I can't retrieve the drop-downs until after the parent dw is retrieved.  The Auto Retrieve is checked OFF on all three .  In the parent DW's RetrieveEnd event I've got the following code: ll_TmdeI...
Hi all, From another post, I learned that the iNet object is now obsolete.  How do I open a file in a web-browser using HttpClient object? Is the even possible, or do I need to use the WebBrowser object? I don't need to do it now, but would like to...
Hi all, I need to loop through a few records and if all conditions are met, run a program.  This works fine for one record.  The program I'm running requires user interaction.  Is there a way to wait for the other program to close before moving to t...
Hi all, So my Beta Tester found something strange (and unacceptable) in one of my windows.  In the app, there are 4 windows each with a folder object. Each folder object is inherited from the pfc's u_tab object. This strange behavior is only happeni...
Hi all, Just curious how everyone is incorporating Help Topic in their app.  About 20 years ago, we used RoboHelp, but I haven't maintained it since then... and don't even know where the Help file we created is.   Embarrassing.  Creating and maintai...
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