Discussions tagged LDAP

  Hi, I can't connect with oleobject to active directory SSL. With a non SSL conection works fine. But now we need SSL My code: adoCommand = Create OLEObject adoConnection = Create OLEObject adoRootDSE = Create OLEObject // Setup AD...
I have an application that needs an LDAP (Active Directory) login. In my previous project I have managed to create an application that has LDAP login. I created it using webservice but I am not quiet happy with its speed. Sometimes, it takes 1 minute...
Hi guys, i'm writing again about a problem about LDAP over SSL authentication. Using PB2LDAP (downloaded from APPEON download area) i can connect without problems with LDAP connection. But there is no way to connect with server using LDAPS (using ...
I have created an application that used ldap login.  Below is my sample code   boolean ls_valjsonpackage lnv_pack1,lnv_pack2jsonparser lnv_jsonparser lnv_pack1 = create jsonpackagelnv_pack2 = create jsonpackageHttpClient lnv_HttpClientlnv_HttpCli...
Hi guys, I'm trying to test an LDAP authentication login service used in secure mode (LDAPS); The port used for listening is 636. I'm doing the test with PB12_5 but at the end i'll have to do it with PB2019. I downloaded the pb2ldap zip from "http...
Has someone succeeded in querying an ActiveDirectory server with LDAP and SSL. I use the ldapquery tool from topwizprogramming and i'm able to connect to the server on port 389, but not on secure port 636 (my connect string is for example ldap://x50...
Hello, i need to query an external active directory from Powerbuilder via ldap. I tried the two examples from CodeExchange. I cannot use the version with java (customer reglementation).The other version just does a query against a local active dire...
Hello Is there any way  to validate to powerserver LDAP without asking user&password with the window but taking the user&password from the operative systen (i.e Windows 10)?   I mean a kind of single sign on.   Thanks in advance.   Reg...
Hi Guru In an old server client application I have to authenticate on LDAP. ( i have not active directoy but another ldap manager ) The information I have is: Host: ldap.xxxxxx.com Tcp Port: 389 BN: dc = xxxxxx, dc, yyyyy Uid: xxxcpwd: Xxix ...
Has anyone experienced any intermittent behavior with OLEObject, specifically Microsoft's ADSDSOObject (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Active Directory Service)? We are using this as part of our Login routine, and the application in PB 2017...
I've seen lots of posts on how to validate a user via LDAP for web & PB classic, but I need to do it in a mobile app. I've read up on the Appeon workaround function "AppeonLDAPLogon" but again this is for web only. So, is it possible to verify a use...
can I customize the Appeon mobile LDAP Login window? Change location or resize....
Hi,  Can the PowerBuilder 2017 access LDAP Servers? Im planning to create a login module where the login access is controlled over LDAP? The workaround in my mind is let the PB2017 consume a .Net Webservice that accesses the LDAP Servers... If thi...
Dear all, When i click in TEST LDAP SETTINGS button on system Security under sytem security my browser is stuck no error no ok message just stuck i need to close the browser to continue working the system administrator of LDAP say that t...
Can Lightweight Directory Services be used on Windows 7 (which is not connected to a domain) as the PowerServer LDAP server?  I can connect to the LDAP server from AEM, and I can see the groups defined in Directory Services, but I have not been able ...
We have a client that needs LDAP support for authentication and has a strong preference for going IIS Appeon .NET.  What would be the appropriate approach to use here and what is the timeline for LDAP support in Appeon Server .NET? TIA, Don Cla...
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