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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hello, I am using auto-size on a column in a datawindow and that works well. My problem is when the text wraps around, I want to know either the height of the column or the number of lines it now has. I tried using describe to get the height and I t...
Hi,   I have a problem with time precision this is the value in the database of a time column 16:29:15.983 Put displays in a datawindow as 16:29:15.000 Now this is not a problem as such because im not that bothered about factions of seconds , t...
We have deployed 100+ applications in 30+ containers in AKS. All our API calls go through the Application Gateway load balancer (e.g., https://mydomain.com/app1api, https://mydomain.com/app2api, etc.). We want to monitor the PowerServer user sessions...
We have existing processes to export something to excel using OLE and Excel VBA commands, which do their job, and then exit. We have a call at the end to an external function EndTask to kill the excel.exe process for these. We're developing a new pr...
  Hi, Team   While running from source code, it is importing .Xml files into the data window, but from the Exe. It is not importing to the data window and it is throwing error code -4. The code which I used to import is given below. lds_xml = cre...
Hi   We have a set of PDF files that need to be combined based on certain rules. Following is a sample code. PDFdocument lpdf_doc lpdf_doc = create PDFdocument //Import the PDF content lpdf_doc.importpdf("D:\import\masterdocument.pdf") lpdf_...
I am on Powerbuilder 2022 R3 and I am looking into using the new PDFDocument functionality I can't seem to find the functionality to add paging into the document. Say for example "Page 5 of 20" if I am importing 5 datawindows into a document I imag...
I have a question about the SQLPreview Event of DataWindow When you want to skip your current query based on a specific condition, for example, if I want to skip a DELETE query from being sent to the database, I can return 2 from this event, and it ...
After using PB2022 R2 for about 6 hours this day, the IDE crashed (no surprises here).Now each time I am trying to start it, I get the following message, so I am unable to use IDE! I tried restarting the computer (Windows 11 Enterprise 22H2), rein...
Hello ,   We have migrated to PB 9 to PB 2019 (64 bit) version . And one of the response window is taking 5 - 10 minute to open mle_text where in PB 9 it is opening at the same moment once you click on the Modify button. But in PB2019 we are faci...
Hi ::clipboard() copying function isn't working when the user is connected to a terminal server through Microsoft remote desktop webview. I think the reason is that his web browser is waiting for such action like Ctrl+C triggered from the browser si...
Hi, I recently upgraded from PB 2022R2 build 1892 to PB 2022R3 build 3356 because my company is trying to do a PowerServer proof of concept. I went into my normal application and anytime I try to run the application or do a full build or regenerate...
Recently we have migrated to PB 2022 R2 from PB 2019 R2, after migration our application is crashing after sometime. Below are the screenshot which we have found from event viewer. ...
PB IDE respects the privacy of libraries, even when they are bad... really bad...   Now I have to find out which of the 100+ libraries is bad, why it's bad and how to fix it......
Hi All,   Looking through all the documentation for load testing a PowerServer app, it only shows a way to test them locally. How would I approach testing a PowerServer app that runs on Azure? Do I need to do the recording on Jmeter locally first t...
Hi Powerbuilder friends, I have this code where I need to send data to our payment partner. It successfully requests a token, but no data is transferred, and there's an authorization error with the JWT token request. String ls_jwttoken, ls_PostData...
Hello All, I have implemented an automated compile process for our application using the PBAutoBuild220.exe. The question I have is in the "Merging" portion of the compiling process. We are currently using TFS for source control in PB. Before I am c...
Hi, I work with 'classical' menus. I need to change the text of a menu item from code, but when I do so, I lose the shortcut. My manager doesn't want to see the shortcut in the menu text. (if it would be there it would work!). So does anyone know h...
We are using PB17 and SQLAnywhere 17 We have a generalized routine whereby we can pass a SQL query which takes one argument. The problem is that some queries need to reference the same argument more than once. As we understand it - if you use the ...
PowerBuilder app is displaying the MDI frame toolbar as a separate window in VMWare environment. (check the attached picture) Any help to resolve this issue?  Thanks G...

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