Discussions tagged Multi Threading

we are trying to improve the performance of our application, we have a couples of Embedded SQLs and Datawindow retrieves called one after another. so to improve the performance, we moved all the SQL DB calls in a PowerServerLabel Merge statement whi...
PB 2022 I have a multi-threaded app (using SharedObject functions) that is non-visual, it receives requests via Winsock and creates a background thread to process the request. I'm getting hang-ups when it gets a lot of requests all at once. I suspe...
Hello All, Is multithreading supported with PB 2022/PS 2022? If so, does anyone have examples to share? We've been playing with it but it seems to produce random freeze ups. We're using the sleep function in the user object to time the activity of i...
Hi all. Not new to PB but new to multithreading.  I have a process that using Chilkat, sends an xml string to a query service, and then processes the response file. I now need to give the user the ability to cancel the call.  All of the processing ...
Hi Team, My Application Caching the Master records at the time of User login, So it causes the Application slowness at the time of Login, To over come this latency issue, I have decided to do Multithreading, but i didn't work before in multithreadin...
Hi Guys   we want to use multithread approach to improve some of our routines but we find out that in shared objects global variables are not valued Is this a bug, a feature and how can we solve?   Thanks a lot...
How does powerbuilder webservices application handle multiple requests at the same time.  For example, does it use pooled connections or does it try to open a new connection for each thread....
We recently began looking into Shared Object functions to multithread some long running processes in our system.  While putting together a business case, I found that these functions are not supported in PowerServer (Web). I wasn't sure if displayin...
Hi, Is there a specific PB coding to allow users to launch our PB application (example "pb_app.exe") multiple times?  Like 2 notepad.exe.  Thanks    ...
We have the following block of code, which has been working for many years but has recently stopped working. // Instance declarationsn_rpt_callback inv_callbackn_rpt_shared inv_shared ... // Start a separate threadinv_callback = Create n_rpt_callb...
In PB2019, the application crashes when I use ShareObjectRegister() after dynamically changing the library list (by adding one or more pbds). This behavior is exactly the same as in PB 12.6.  I noticed that Shared Object functions like SharedObjectG...
Good Day! Using PB 2017 R3 I am employing a shared object NVO for a window wherein I display the status of a long-running process. Everything works, beautifully, and the application never freezes because of this approach. The issue, however, is th...
Hi All, Is it possible use multi threading in powerbuilder application? We have a requirement that 1 lakh payroll record to be processed in limited time period so thinking to use multi threading where process can be placed parallel by dividing ...
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