Discussions tagged API

Hi Powerbuilder friends, I have this code where I need to send data to our payment partner. It successfully requests a token, but no data is transferred, and there's an authorization error with the JWT token request. String ls_jwttoken, ls_PostData...
Hi,  I have an old client who used the application developed using PowerBuilder 7 really long ago. The client current use this for back up and now rarely use this system, but they recently requested asking if it's possible to do do some enhancement...
Hi What veraion of powerwbuilder do i need to do an oauth 2 request to get a token from a web api I am currently using pb2019  Also is there any example code for getting such a token please   thanks in advance    Andrew    ...
Hello, I'm using PB2021 Build 1509, and we utilize ASP .Net Core 3.1 REST api's for all data access.  Those were built with SnapDevelop and .Net Datastores. It has been working relatively well until more recently when several users started trying to...
Hola, buenas tardes. Se generó el siguiente error al ejecutar la aplicación en algunos clientes en línea. SESSION CREATION FAILED CAUSE: SERVER HAS BEEN SHUTDOWN (HTTP STATUS CODE: 503).(WEB API: HTTP://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:451/POWERSERVER/API/SERVERAPI...
Has anybody accessed Stripe directly from PB? Currently we are doing all of our Stripe access via Java services on our server, called from PB, which use the Stripe Java API. But it would be nice to be able to do some simple things directly from PB, e...
I need to send very large documents (usually Word) to a SnapDevelop API so that I can upload them into a database table.  The documents are often greater than 30MB.  I initially tried using the SendRequest method.  It worked great until the file size...
Good day,   I need help from you guys... I am new with API infrastructure... Our company subscribe to a sms blast from a certain company... then, they just gave us a link RESTFUL API for the sending and receiving  of SMS... I don't have any idea ab...
Hi all, We are facing issue with documents/files accessing via ftp after enabling Azure Fortigate Firewall. The alternative solution is either to use SFTP or moving to Azure Blob Storage then dealling with those application with attachment document...
Hi, Does anyone know how I can trigger a "Windows notification" from PowerBuilder (PB 2022 GA) and API call I guess but I don't know how :-)    Thanks  //Steen...
Hello everyone!   I am using PB 2021 and ASA 17   I need to do validation of  VAT number from Vies database in my PB application before I can create sales invoice to customers, which all around EU.  Do any of you have solution for this?  Do you...
Hello all,   For our PB app we use a local Sybase DataBase. We have about 300 customers, so also 300 DB's. I've created a REST API with SnapDevelop so external parties can Get some info. The API connects to the local DB through ODBC. For the mome...
Hi,I am trying to call a rest service that has a self signed certificate, I am using the RestClient class. Do you know how to configure this to work? Currently I get return code "-3 -- Cannot connect to the Internet" from the call. I am using PowerBu...
Dear Experts, I want to call VisualBasic for Application (VBA) macros and functions in Word or Excel documents which I have written myself out of/from PowerScript functions (instead of rewritting them in the PowerScript functions). Is this possible...
Hi, I have an application which running smoothly in 32bit, but my client now requested it make it as 64bit. So i've gone thru migration from PB12.1 to PB12.6 B4138. Now I have a problem with one windows API (WindowFromPoint) it doesnt return proper ...
First Thank you appeon Team, doing great job... FOR SNAP DEVELOP API, How to download a file and upload file via api. I tried different ways but i could n't. If there is a sample project / script it's help full to me. api can use either PB 2019 or...
Hi Background of the question is that the customers want to define a printer and settings of the printer and store this as default for our PowerBuilder application. PrintSetPrinter and PrintSetup work fine and are used when printing from PB however ...
We are replacing instances of the deprecated SelectToStore() method in our web api.  In the code below (line 2) we switched 'SelectToStore' to 'Select'.  However, we now get an error on the last line.  The error is attached.  What is the proper synta...
I am consuming a REST API from PowerBuilder 2019 R2. For this I use the HttpClient class. When running the API from Posman, Insomnia and SoapUI the response is immediate (thousandths of a second)   However, when I run it from PowerBuilder, at be...
Hi All, The result set return by the datastore is a JSON format which is different when compared with the JSON string returned by the datastore.ExportPlainJson built in method: teh column names are surrounded by the back slash character \ Example i...
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