Discussions tagged PBL

Hello! Can someone tell me the meaning of this error message? And how to fix this? I get this everytime I want to add a local Project to Git ("Add to source control") Error:Failed to decompose PBL: C:\Client\client.pbl errorcode:301. Thanks!...
I try to build with orca script , but only create pbl without souce code. i use script from  Using orca to create and import to pbl libraries from source How to create pbl from sr* and pbg files ?!...
Hi I'm trying to work out how Powerbuilder 2021 works with Git. I need to understand how 2 developers can change 2 different objects in the same pbl, and commit them without conflict.   The documentation says:  Upload PBL Starting fr...
Wanted to place some information on what we found that might help others when they are working within a GIT environment.  Running under PowerBuilder 2022 R2 2819. We had a situation where one of our developers was attempting to delete a multitude of...
Got an interesting issue I'm running into within the PowerServer environment. PB 2022 R2.The application in question does the following.PB way of handling things. A PBL is created locally on the end-users' machine at runtime.This allows reports to be...
Hi kind souls, Please could you give me a step by step procedure how to build deploy or incremental build my workspace or individual targets using command line. I have seen some command scripts not entirely working correctly. Is there a way i can te...
Hi, I have a report in Infomaker that I can run/preview in the pbl.  However, when the other users try to run the report, they both gets the same error:   Load of the nested report XXXX failed.   XXXX is the name of the nested report.  Please help!...
Hi, I'm currently running PB2019 R3 and trying to deploy my application.  In my project file I indicate that the output exe file should be generated in r: The syntax to be used in the command lines reads the following: /o "r:\core_src.exe" And...
I have a pbl file that has somehow become corrupt. I need the reports transfered out of that file and into a good pbl file.   I can see the reports in the courrrupted pbl file, but when I set the corrupted pbl file as the working library and then e...
Hello everyone! I use the LibraryExport function to export all the objects in pbl. When I want to use the LibraryImport function to import, I see in the document that the LibraryImport function can only import the DataWindow type. Why is this ? Are...
PB 2017 - GitHub is cloning the old non-updated PBL - this is understandable but . . . It doesn't seem to let me "UPLOAD PBL" to get a fresher copy to the GitHub server. I' can "Upload PBL" but I don't see it updated on GitHub. PB 2019 lets us "Refr...
Hi Friends, I'm rebalancing a bunch of libraries and noticed that the library size isn't changing even though I deleted most objects.  I did a full rebuild after deleting objects, but the library size is the same. I created a new library and moved ...
Hi; I inherited a couple Powerbuilder apps that share a common PDB/PBL. App A is on PB 12.1, App B is on PB 12.5. The shared PBL has a popup window object that is used by both apps. App A experienced an issue where it was just shutting down. I only...
Hi, I´m not sure if this is a problem by itself, but while testing Git for PB2019 R3 it came to my attention, that changes of .pbl-files (.pbl changes everytime a sub-file of a .pbl is changed, deleted or inserted) are not committed to the source co...
Hi, When i used older versions of powerbuilder i used pblpeeper for a couple of things, one was to find which pbl an object was saved in, the other was to find the modified date of the object, you could sort the list by modified date and see what yo...
Is there a way to recover some of the objects that are in a PBD file and get them back into a PBL? My company keeps the developer's checked out files on the C drive of each person's computer. They took my computer to upgrade to Windows 10 and when th...
We have a common PBL (common.pbl) that is used by three different applications. Each application declares some global variables of types of user objects in the common PBL.  Objects in the common PBL need access to some of those same global variables...
Hello guys,I'm having trouble and would like some help.There is a software that uses PowerBuilder 11.5 for reporting (.PBL), and PowerBuilder 11.5 is no longer sold, so I downloaded the newer version (PowerBuilder 19) to generate reports (.PBL), but ...
The implementation of Git in 2017 and 2019 is very minimal so you end up doing a lot of stuff outside of the IDE. Mainly creating, switching and merging branches. Anytime you do something outside the IDE you have to remember to do a refresh (to be sa...
Hi all, I would like to create a Data Access Layer for my PB application; it would need at least 3 (little) objects for each database table. Since my database has about 200 tables, what would you suggest: create a single pbl with 600 objects; cr...
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