Discussions tagged OAuth

Hello, How to get back the user identity from Microsoft Entra ID ?  I have well get the TOKEN : loac_Client = Create OAuthClient //TokenRequest ltr_Request.tokenlocation = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/d2b93004-fa61-4e54-ad68-0114729cb9fb/oau...
We are trying to implement the OAuth flow in PowerBuilder windows application using Azure AD. When the access token is requested using the "OAuthClient" and "TokenRequest" object with the grant_type as "Autherization_code" then we are always getting...
We're using PB 2022 R2 and our cient needs us to use Okta for authentication.  I couldn't find any examples on Code Exchange and the documentation covers PowerServer. I set up an app with Okta and have the url, client id and client secret but when I ...
Hi What veraion of powerwbuilder do i need to do an oauth 2 request to get a token from a web api I am currently using pb2019  Also is there any example code for getting such a token please   thanks in advance    Andrew    ...
Hello,   I'm trying to use the OAuth 2.0 with an authorization code. My code :  ls_Url_code = "https://api.ibanity.com/isabel-connect/oauth2/token?client_id=" + ls_id + "&redirect_uri=" + ls_Redirect +"&scope=" + ls_Scope + "&response...
  HI APPEON Support,   Good day... I need your help badly... I am new in API and REST... need guidance. Our company is implementing SMS Blast..   Authentication is give by the provider company.   Basic Authentication in the HTTP head...
Hello everyone, We have implemented a "MS O365 Graph API email sending" procedure in PB using a Client Credentials Workflow. It works well. Now we need to manage Proxy.  In java we can connect by adding the proxy parameter to openConnection if nec...
HI Team,  I am using Microsoft Custom Web Browser for navigating the user to Microsoft login Screen to put the Username and Password for generating OAuth2.0 Authorization code , I want to get the username entered by user in the Microsoft Login Scree...
I am Using Microsoft Web Browser OLE in PowerBuilder 2017 R3, I am using this Web Browser to take credentials from user and generating the OAuth2.0 Authorization Code for further use to generate access token, but when i give the UserId and click on n...
Hi I hope you can help. I am trying to connect to an API and have been given the following information. I do not have much experience in this area and any help would be appreciated. Authentication Purpose - Authorization fro subsequent callsmetho...
I'm calling a REST web service with PB2017 R3 using the OAuthClient to upload a file.  The service is very poorly documented, and only shows an HTTP example.  I've been able to use the example and get a file uploaded, but we cannot open or preview th...
Hi, Is it possible to authenticate ADFS users using SAML/OAUTH in Powerbuilder 2017? What would be the best approach for this?...
Getting Oauth 1,0 to work for was no small task. We no sooner got it working and along comes Oauth2. Therefore we are hoping that someone can shed some light on this with working code. ...
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