Discussions tagged Appeon Workspace

Hello! Can someone tell me the meaning of this error message? And how to fix this? I get this everytime I want to add a local Project to Git ("Add to source control") Error:Failed to decompose PBL: C:\Client\client.pbl errorcode:301. Thanks!...
Hello?Thanks to your help, our sea refrigerator was able to create both 32-bit and 64-bit Android APK files well, so it was successfully registered in One Store. Thank you again. And I am planning to create Work Space with version 2703 and upload it...
Hi, how are you?This is the source code written in Appeon PowerBuilder 2019 R3 version.[ Source Code ] Blob lblb_dataBlob lblb_sha1String ls_data lblb_data = Blob("Test SHA1", EncodingANSI!) CrypterObject lnv_CrypterObjectlnv_CrypterObject = Creat...
Hello Appeon Community, I hope you are having a good day. I am currently facing an issue with the PowerBuilder app that I'm developing for both Android and iOS platforms. The issue pertains to the display of a Data Window within the app. Here's the...
Hello,Im a 20+ years professional Powerbuilder developer thats experiencing slow object opening & saving in Appeon PB on large projects.Adaptive Server Anywhere as backend DB and win 10 as OS.Opening, changing and saving menu objects or other lar...
Guys,   Our SVN currently prompts us to migrate the workspace after checking out the project. What was the reason for this? and how to fix this issue? Upon completing the migration, it throws so many errors and it doesn't appear to be the latest so...
Hi, Appeon Team When I launched the titled Appeon Workspace on my tablet device (Android 6.0.1), I got a white screen. My tablet device is a 64-bit Android, but in general, 32-bit applications are supposed to work as well. Also, the 64-bit version...
Hi,           Currently we are using powerbuilder 2019 r2 version and that license got expired now. While renewing license we couldnt see any version details. Is the license is based on version?             Also r2 version exe is not available in...
Hi, we are using the eon_mobile_webviewex object to display a pdf which is located in the plugin folder of the appeon custom workspace on our ios device (iPad Pro 11" 2nd gen iOS 14.6). We want to print this pdf from the custom workspace or share it...
Hi All,   Is is possible or how to create a notification on the right upper corner on the APP icon or Appeon Workspace icon in iOS and Android? Thank you....
Hi All,   My Appeon Workspace always prompt "Low-Memory Warning" in iPhone and Android Phone, is there any solution? Thank you....
Our Powerbuilder application executes a stored procedure in Sybase and has been running without problems for a few years.  About a month ago the stored procedure began stopping without finishing and did not report any error to the calling application...
Hi All, Apologies if this has been asked before, but is there a way to determine within am Appeon Mobile App if the user is connected via WiFi or 4G? I have checked the objects in the Appeon Workarounds library, but cannot seem to find anything. E...
why this is js script does not work to appear Google Chart ? i use powerbuilder 2019 R2, i send the sample application google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]}); google.setOnLoadCallback(function() { drawChart(); } ); function...
Hi,    I have to copy files from AWS S3 bucket to local System without using AWS CLI.  I got the information like it is possible in PB 2019 Cloud Edition (C#). Can you please guide me on this.   Thanks & Regards, Reshma S...
Hi,    I have to copy files from AWS S3 bucket to local System without using AWS CLI.  I got the information like it is possible in PB 2019 Cloud Edition (C#). Can you please guide me on this.   Thanks & Regards, Subin Subash...
Is Possible to copy AWS s3 bucket folder data to local System without using AWS CLI ?   Currently I am using AWS CLI to copy data from AWS s3 bucket to local system.   I am trying to avoid AWS CLI interface . Is it possible from PB 2019 ?   Can...
Hi,     I have configured AWS CLI for copying files from AWS to Local System and It is working from command Prompt (cmd.exe).   I can run cmd.exe from PowerBuilder using Run() function . But how I will run cmd and run the below command in cmd fro...
Hi: Since a few weeks ago when updating the changes of the app the icon is not the icon that we defined in the deployment. Also if we do not delete the app doesn't update.  In the past, for actualize our app:   Now:      ...
hi,  I saw the response by chris to the splash screen , icon and title.  Very useful. I have another question based on sort of the same thing. This may be that i need to do something outside of appeon but i will ask anyway. if you open the url to...
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