Discussions tagged Text

Hi Team,   What is the best method to import high volume text or excel file. For example having column 20 and no of line 50000   We have tried using datawindow import and reading 100 line each loop till we get datawindow import error, but this wo...
Dear experts,we have a PBL consisting solely of DataWindows which are combined to generate certain documents.Sometimes the task pops up to replace a certain string in the text property of a Text control in many DataWindows simultaneously, e. g. a yea...
Hi,  Using PowerBuilder 2019 R3 build 2703 with SQL Server version ?  ( I know it is new. 'SELECT @@version' returns  Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8   Jan 12 2023 05:25:39   Copyright (C) 2022 Microsoft Corporation ) DBMS=ODBC DBParm=Conne...
Greetings community,   In the past few months, our company migrated multiple applications from Powerbuilder 9 to Powerbuilder 2019. We did encounter something interesting: for varchar(max) and text column types, on our MSSQL database, all datawind...
I need to read some data from tab-separated text files with a row of column headers, where I know that certain column names will always be there, but don't know whether they will always be in the same order, or what other columns might be there. So l...
Hello everyone,   we used to print pdfs via ghostscript. After Upgrading from pb 2017 we wanted to implement the native pdf and at first glance that worked out pretty easy and simple. But after comparing the printed PDFs from ghostscript and from n...
Hello PowerBuilder community,   I have another issue with a rte window. We have a datawindow in which we want to copy the contents of a rich text edit window. I don't know how to copy the contents upon pressing the save button, since I do not know...
We have recently migrated our PB8 application to PB2017.  We have a few datawindows that were created as RichText.  When we try to retrieve the data the data is returned but not displayed in the report.  It is also does not print, just spaces where t...
Hello, Using Windows 10 Pro, PB 2017R2 1756. I have a datawindow that contains a column with the richtext edit-style. I use the new richtext-control that came with PB 2017 After the retrieve the itemstatus of the column is 'notmodified&...
PB 2017 R2 Build 1769 We have a huge app which I did a trial conversion of from 12.5 to 2017. (Took 50 minutes) There is a window with a Rich Text control that is used by end users to enter text which is saved to the database as HTML and is dis...
Is there anybody who uses the 3rd party RTE control in Powerbuilder 2017? We got a trial version of this control from the manufacturer and we are currently evaluating the control. Now we see some oddities: * Modifications to the content of the ...
Hello, I'm just testing the new built in Richtext Control (TE Edit Control) in PB 2017 R2. I'm using the richtext control as well as the datawindow richtext edit style. As previous mentioned in this posthttps://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q...
I have a datawindow that has auto-size set on the band. When this datawindow spans more than 1 page it will sometimes cut the text in half where the top portion is on the bottom of page 1 and the bottom portion is at the top of page 2.  We current...
Hi All, I've got a datawindow with codes in the other event to scroll the parent UO in the window.  It works for all columns, except when the current column is the richtext style column.  Does anyone know how to make this work? Thanks. B...
The Rich Text Editor in PB 2017 is not working for us, so we are looking at implementing the TX Text Control X14.   We got a trial version and so far it seems to be working as expected in Development....we mainly are using the RTE Object and not with...
If you use rich text in your applications and are on 12.X and are thinking about upgrading to 2017, I would seriously reconsider. The regression bugs introduced with the built-in rich text control are bad enough to render the control useless for us. ...
Good afternoon. Our customer is very interested in adding color functionality  to several rich-text edit style columns on Datawindows. PB 12.6 has this functionality. And as I can understand from studding video from Appeon library PB 2017 doesn...
Hi All, I have a tabular datawindow with one of the columns having an edit style of edit, which I've changed to richtext and set the DW to RichTextToolBarActivation = RichTextToolBarActivationNever!.  This DW won't ever have much rows in i...
ItemChanged messagebox('', gettext()) ...
hello, i'm using pb 9.0     I have a rich text with some data, but i need to insert a datawindow grid inside the rich text, is that possible?   thanks.  ...
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