Discussions tagged OLE

We have existing processes to export something to excel using OLE and Excel VBA commands, which do their job, and then exit. We have a call at the end to an external function EndTask to kill the excel.exe process for these. We're developing a new pr...
Version 2019 R2 Build 2353 We have a PowerBuilder application (32-bit) that connects to a .NET DLL via OLE. Within this DLL we connect to Oracle using Provider Factories. We recent decided to stop using “System.Data.OracleClient” and have begun usin...
Looking for a solution of printing from PowerBuilder set of documents one after one (syncronic) the documents are in filesystem library. I have docs from varios types, (Ex. docx, jpeg and pdf).  I succesfully print docx and jpeg via OLE to WORD, bu...
Is there anyway to suppress the "WebView runtime not installed" message when opening a window that has the WebBrowser control on it and the WebView2 Runtime does not exist?  We are currently transitioning from using old OLE controls for URL function...
Hi, We currently use some ActiveX controls in Powerbuilder. To be able to use the ActiveX controls without registering them at runtime, we decided to add manifest entries for the corresponding DLL files. The DLLs are deployed by us relative to the E...
Hello, I don't have much experience with OLE Objects and don't see too many examples online.  I am using the OLE control and able to get a signature from the TOPAZ signature pad in the IDE. When running the EXE I am getting "Error accessing Externa...
Is it possible to draw graphs in an Excel file from PowerBuilder? I create tables with data in Excel from PowerBuilder, but how can I build charts or pies based on this data? I saw that classes ExcelPieChart, ExcelBarChart, enum eChartType in C# are ...
Hi all, I'm trying to import data from an Excel workbook using an OLE object.  The algorithm works great, but I have hard-coded the WorkSheet number.  How can I refernce the sheet by name instead of number?  I specifically want to find the sheet nam...
I am using the Amyuni ActiveX controls for PDF processing.   A couple of their methods have output parameters.  System.Boolean SearchTextEx(System.Int16 Start, System.String Text, [out] System.Int32  Page, [out] System.Double xPos, [out] System.Doub...
I am trying to migrate an application from powerbuilder 7.0  LOL   We used the mscomm32.ocx to communicate with a PLC via the Serial Port. The client isn't looking to make any major changes (like communicate via TCP) I have registered the OCX and...
We have application that saves reports to Excel file using Oleobject and does data formatting after file is saved.   This stopped working after MS Office was uninstalled form Citrix server due to company new policy.   The file does get saved but erro...
Hello,I'm a bit stuck, google didn't deliver as good as it usually do this time around.I'm looking for a VERY easy and quick way to resize images from ex. 4k 8MB files to around 2-300 Kb files (let's say 72 dpi 1080p). Imagine doing this for common f...
  Hi, My PowerBuilder application (2019 R3 2703) is using third party control. It is working for a long time already without any problems when control is placed into the window (Insert->Control->OLE...). But now I cannot use window and trying ...
Hello, We a have an interesting performance issue. We have a datawindow of records relating to Word documents (stored in a blob column). When we click on a record another area of the screen uses an ole control to preview the document. We've been cha...
...without using the Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit. What we do until now: We use the .NET Framework 4.8.1 to write class libraries in C# and expose them to COM using the Interop Forms Toolkit. We call the COM-Server from PowerBuilder 2021. This wo...
Hello,I want to open a MS Word document within an OLE control inside a PowerBuilder window. In earlier versions of Word, the document opened inside the window (this is the desired behaviour). In newer versions it opens outside the window. I have t...
Hi, I'm trying to add CC address to an email I send from PB. Settting the subject, To (single receiver) work fine, but trying to add the CC gives error "incorrect number of parameters".   here is an extract of the code // This part works finelol...
Hello All,   I've had a strange error crop up in the last couple months on an app deployed and in use for many year without issue. My hunch is that it relates to a windows update security change or something else in the users security environment. ...
I'm using PB2021 Build 1509. I wish to view PDF files in a window (does not necessarily need to be a datawindow). Can anyone provide me sample code for me to look at? I have had limited success using an ole object inserting "Adobe Acrobat Browser ...
Hi, I have created an application for a customer, that sends email through users Outlook. It has worked without problems for years. For some time ago we switched the distribution of the application into Cloud App launcher model. Works fine. Now we...
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