Discussions tagged JSON
I have a Themes JSON question.
We have a modified JSON with drawing:false for dwo-column, because we need to have different borders for various columns.
So far so good. But it has consequences like ignoring all the nested nodes of the JSON for...
PBAutoBuild220 - GIT Option - 32 Bit - JSON Parsing error
- Resolved
- Issue
- Last updated 5 months ago
- Stan Zihlman replied 5 months ago
PBAutoBuild fails with JSON syntax error.
Client/Server App
Scenario 1: Build pbl's from GIT into Workspace
Setup 1 is:
SourceControl = GIT
Encoding = UTF-16 LE BOM
Start of JSON file:
{ "MetaInfo": { "IDEVersion": "220", "RuntimeVersion": "22...
JSONPackage, loadstring and getvalue failed due to bracket [...]
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 6 months ago
- René Ullrich replied 6 months ago
"submissionUid": "CNWRXZESJEZ1YQC3E7T8G20J10",
"acceptedDocuments": [
"uuid": "H2YRP9VQXFB4ZFHDE7T8G20J10",
"invoiceCodeNumber": "9112450011"
"rejectedDocuments": []
hi all,
I'm calling an API and return above resu...
We have a window that contains a WebBrowser control. There are jquery and Kendo scripts on the page that are failing in the control. We get a message saying "JSON not found" and then several cascading errors. The scripts run fine if the page is ...
I want to consume a REST service sending the JSON format and get a response from the service.
I get the TOKEN using GetJWTToken, which works fine and it is valid, but when I consume the REST service it's require, it returns an error that t...
Deserialization not supported for SnapObjects.Data.IDataUnpacker
- Resolved
- Issue
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Francisco Martinez @Appeon replied 1 year ago
I'm creating an API with the help of the PowerScript migrator. I'm following this tutorial:PB to C#: Porting Business Logics with Minimum Refactoring Hassle (appeon.com)
I'm having an issue with the POST method, here is an extract of my code:
// PO...
Can i set a checkbox or radio button background-color to transparent in theme.json?
- How-to
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Ronnie Po replied 1 year ago
Hi,Is it possible to set the background-color for a checkbox or a radiobutton from the theme.json file?We have many screens and are currently looking at making a custom theme to apply across our application.Please note following image where the Activ...
Size limit while exporting data from datawindow/datastore to plain JSON
- Issue
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Peter Pang @Appeon replied 1 year ago
Using PB 2022 R2 build 2819
Need to know whether any limit is there to export data from a datawindow / datastore to JSON.
Command used to export:
ls_json = dw_1.ExportJson(False)
Data in the above datawindow is retrieved by entering a per...
Using PB 2022 B 1900
Receiving data from as a json string.
"selection": "Y",
"code": "001",
"debit": "2878.89",
"credit": "9878.00"
Here all values received are string values. Need to import the data...
Good day Appeon Support....
I need your help... what will I do if I get this kind of message? My work around is sending messages by ExportRowAsJson... I want to send it all at once. I used dw_1.ExportJson() but this is the response received.
How to send data using HTTP Client after token was send.
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Daryl Foster replied 1 year ago
Hello Appeon Support,
Good day!!!
I need your help, I currently working on a SMS blast project... I am using the HTTPClient and successfully retrieve the token, however, I cannot send data using POST method to send SMS to the server...
HI APPEON Support,
Good day... I need your help badly... I am new in API and REST... need guidance. Our company is implementing SMS Blast..
Authentication is give by the provider company.
Basic Authentication in the HTTP head...
Re: ImportJSONByKey fails on compiled project
- How-to
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Matt Balent replied 1 year ago
PB 2022 B 1892
In one of my projects, ImportJSONByKey fails to import data when run from exe. The same JSON string imports successfully when run from the IDE. The command used to import JSON is
li_rc = ids_setup.ImportJSONByKey(ls_ret_jso...
JSON Packager - Setting Array Values
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Andreas Mykonios replied 1 year ago
Attempting to achieve in the JSON output, the following specification...
ljp_address.setvalue( "streetLines", "[ 'PLACEHLDR_SHIPPER_ADDRESS_LINE_1...
How to edit .json that contains nested objects?
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Sivaprakash BKR replied 1 year ago
I am working on a few different things at the moment, JSON being one of them. I was wondering how can I edit my JSON file that has nested objects (i think that's the correct the term). In other words, a JSON structure that looks like this.
PB 2022 build 1892
Need to export data from a datawindow to three different JSON string.
1. All deleted rows2. All modified rows3. All inserted rows
For deleted rows: dw_1.ExportJSON(Delete!, 1, 0, 1, 5) Works!
For 2 & 3, there...
PowerBuilder 12.5 creating Json Files
- Advice
- Last updated 2 years ago
- Andreas Mykonios replied 2 years ago
We are developing in PowerBuilder 12.5 and I'm looking to find the best way to create a Json file format. Currently we are writing the data using a function out to a text file, Is there any way in PB 12.5 to create a json file with the format...
Loadstring method on JSONpackage with multi-element JSON array
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 2 years ago
- Ken Guo @Appeon replied 2 years ago
So I have a JSON string I'd like to load into a JSONpackage object for further processing. Problem is (apparently) it is an array which I guess the JSONPackage object cannot handle. I get this error: Failed to load the JSON data because its root no...
JSONPackage GetValue returning the second set not the first
- How-to
- Last updated 2 years ago
- mike S replied 2 years ago
I am trying to parse the return JSON statement from an online credit card company. The result Json I get back is the following (please note this is from their sandbox using their sample data).
{ "transactionResponse": { "responseCode": "1", "authCo...
Handling special and reserved character while working with JSON using JSONGenerator and JSONParser.
- Resolved
- How-to
- Last updated 2 years ago
- Mark Lee @Appeon replied 2 years ago
Hello Appeon Team,
I am working to create the JSON using JSONGenerator and then making httpclient call to send those Json file as payload. We have frontend screen to take JSON fields value like comment, sales number, qty etc. The comment box is a te...
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