Discussions tagged PDF

Hi all, My customer reported an issue today with merging dw's and pdf's.  In the main window, he opens a salesorder with 100 workorders, then selects the Merge Each radio button and clicks Merge on the toolbar.  The merge function loops through each...
Hello, I want to attach an existing XML-file to an existing PDF. At the moment I do the following and it works: ////////////////////////////////////////// PDFdocument lpdf_doc PDFattachment lpdf_attach lpdf_doc = CREATE PDFdocument lpdf_attach = ...
Hi all PB 2022 R3 windows 10  Can anyone tell me how i can open a PDF file within a window in my application or the best way to view a pdf withing the application, i may be being a bit stupid but i am struggling  thanks in advance as always   An...
Looking for a solution of printing from PowerBuilder set of documents one after one (syncronic) the documents are in filesystem library. I have docs from varios types, (Ex. docx, jpeg and pdf).  I succesfully print docx and jpeg via OLE to WORD, bu...
Me again! Is there a way to print a pdf document within my app? Right now I can do it, but it uses the shell command... lb_printed = lnv_runandwait.ShellRun( as_directory + as_filename, "print", 0) The shell command will use the windows default PD...
Hi According to the documentation https://docs.appeon.com/pb2022/pbug/Saving_data_in_an_external_file.html#Saving_as_PDF_using_PDFlib PB can embed custom fonts into generated PDF file. Which fonts are considered as 'custom'? If I check this field...
Powerbuilder cloudpro edition Version 2022 R3 build 3289   Attached is part of a print screen. If we export the data window to PDF, the text 1083AKMR disappears. Other than this the export is correct. If we do not rotate the computed field the exp...
Hello, We're trying to migrate our PB2021 App to PB2022. I'm noticing an issue while saving a Composite Report with multiple Nested DWs as a PDF. With PB2021, there was a line break coming after a DW with Grouped Rows with Summary while with PB 2022...
Does powerbuilder2022 support exporting PDF to TXT file, or is there an improvement plan in the future?...
Hello, I'm using PowerBuilder 2022 build 1892. I generate a PDF using the code below : PDFDocument lpdf_doc long ll_return, ll_return1 lpdf_doc = Create PDFDocument dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! ") dw_1.modify("Dat...
Hi I am developing functinality to convert .jpg to pdf using webbrowser to open the file and save as pdf. The problem is make script creating the web browser windows wait until the browser is finished opening the file save the pdf. the webbrowser ...
Hello all, We're using PB 2022 R2 build 2828. We have a datawindow with a couple of barcodes. Code39Two font. The font is assigned to the column on the datawindow. Using the pdfdocument doesn't seem to pick up the barcode font. Anyone else run into...
I'm currently using Powerbuilder Version 2022 Build 1878 64-bit and the AcroExchApp/AcroExchPDDOC. I can open the XFA pdf files and *read* the values, but I can not change the value in the JS Object. I'd like to figure out how or find another way to...
Good morning/evening. I am trying to use the new PB2022R2 PDF Builder feature to add page numbers and a table of contents to a new PDF document that I generate. The documentation that describes the feature (PDF Builder enhancements - - What's New (ap...
Hello, Is there a way to digital sign natively pdf files ? Greetings, Edi...
Hi everyone,    I have a process that allows the user to print. But every time the user prints, the saveas dialog box keeps on prompting and asking you to supply filename. Below are my scripts.    I do this kind of printing because with that, I c...
Hi all, I'm playing around with PB2022's new PDF tools.  I wrote a small window that just checks the PDF standard of a given file name.  So far, all files are PDF_None! except one, that's unknown.  Here's the code I use to check the standard: CHOO...
Dear Developers, Please provide guidance on the issue I'm encountering in my project. I have a .pdf file that has been compressed with zip.exe and stored in a table as a blob. I need to extract this file in PowerBuilder 2022 R2 using the 'Extract' ...
Hello, we want to abide some accessibility standard and for this reason we need to switch from normal pdfs to pdf/ua I am creating a pdf with an rich text control but I would also be able to switch to a datawindow control. But all my created pdfs ...
Hi Everyone,   I am currently struggling with Save as PDF function which cannot display image. Some suggest to use ghostscript which I did, but since it has licenses issue it wouldn't be possible to use as a work around. I did a lot of research and...
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