Discussions tagged .EXE

Hello! Is it possible to automate the delivery of my application using Azure DevOps? Where can I get a practical example? Thanks...
Hello! Is it possible to automate the delivery of my application using Jenkins? Where can I get a practical example? Thanks...
En el Power Builder 2022 R3 como puedo generar una DLL para que sean consumidos en aplicaciones .NET ?  ...
Hi, I'm on Infomaker 2022 R2 2828. I needed to make a few cosmetic changes (text only, no change to SQL statement) to an exe that I'm pretty sure has been successfully deployed using this IM version in the past couple months. However, when I deploy ...
Question for Appeon team. I have a very small application developed in Powerbuilder 2022. When I check the exe file 'with "https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload" it detects 3 viruses:  - Gen:NN.ZexaF - Trojav.Genric@A1.89 - Suspicious.Low.Ml...
Hello, I don't have much experience with OLE Objects and don't see too many examples online.  I am using the OLE control and able to get a signature from the TOPAZ signature pad in the IDE. When running the EXE I am getting "Error accessing Externa...
Hi Everyone!   I migrated an PB12.5 application to PB2022 R2. When I trying "Run Application" I got this error: Applications created with PB2022 R2 runs as well. Also other migrated apps. Only this one doesn't. What can I do to fix it?    ...
PowerBuilder app is displaying the MDI frame toolbar as a separate window in VMWare environment. (check the attached picture) Any help to resolve this issue?  Thanks G...
Hi, I have a bunch of applications that are correctly running and I am able to do incremental and full builds, and completely deploy them with no issue (only some warnings). I want to automate the process by deploying them from the command line usi...
Hello, I have two executables that are part of the same project, here I share the images of the structure of my project, I have the main project which is gefis__application, and I have a second dependent project, whose executable name is: "Claims". I...
Appeon Team, Problem: Creating the .exe when deploying a project has slowed down significantly. Details: PowerBuilder IDE Version 2019R3, build 2728. When we’re deploying our projects/creating the .exe the "old way" (some of us aren’t using Powe...
How can i acces event of the Compress Object.  I use this code: Integer li_resString ls_archivo, ls_carpetas[]CompressorObject lco_backuplco_backup = Create CompressorObject li_res = lco_backup.Compress(ls_carpetas,ls_archivo,ArchiveFormatZIP!)  ...
Hello, Took over an existing Powerbuilder application, upgraded to PB 2022, but not sure how to produce an executable that can be deployed and run on its own.  Looked for a "Deploy" option to create an executable, but did not see it.  Am I overlooki...
Hi, I'm currently running PB2019 R3 and trying to deploy my application.  In my project file I indicate that the output exe file should be generated in r: The syntax to be used in the command lines reads the following: /o "r:\core_src.exe" And...
HI All, Currently my applications are build in Powerbuilder 2017 R3 version and we are planning to migrate from Windows 10 to 11. Requesting your updates / suggestions whether Powerbuilder 2017 R3 build application will support/work in Windows 11 ma...
I'm running InfoMaker 2021 Build 1509 on a Microsoft Server 2019 and would like to find out which individual reports are being run by end-users compared to which aren't. The server hosts 29 InfoMaker executables and each executable has anywhere from ...
The project build fails in IDE, ORCA and AutoBuild utility. Full rebuild is successful. It looks like the crash occurs at the time of showing the compiler warnings prior to creation of EXE file. PB Pro version 2021, build 1509....
I migrated my application from PowerBuilder 12.1 to 2021. I did the full build but when try to deploy my proyect PowerBuilder sudenly closes without any error. There is a log where I can check what is happening?...
HI, How can I see and get the required PowerBuilder dlls to deploy and run my application on a client station (destination laptop) without installed PowerBuilder ? Currently, I'm migrating from PB12 to PB2022.  Regards Paweł   ...
How to create exe file using PBC190.exe,  I am able to create dll and pbd file by using PBC190.exe utility from command prompt , but it is not creating exe file. I am using following command PBC190.exe /d "application.pbt" /o "application.exe" /r ...
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