Featured Questions

Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
I do not know about anyone else but I am finding the versioning for PB 2019 R1, R2, R3 slightly annoying.    We need to support and maintain various versions of our commercial application - developed and tested using different PB versions.   I consi...
Hello everyone i've successfully migrated to PB 2019 R3. Im trying to rebuild also my snapdevelop webapi project. The rebuild finished without errors but with some warnings that i show here: 1>------ Rebuild started: Project: StartWebApi2.csproj...
Hello everyone. I am following this excellent article by Bruce - https://community.appeon.com/index.php/articles-blogs/tutorials-articles/2-powerbuilder/183-powerbuilder-2017-r2-new-feature-git-source-control-support How do I find differences betwe...
I just gave a demo of SnapDevelop to management and they liked it. They do have questions. What version of .Net Core? I see for SD 2019 it says .Net Core 3.1, what about SD 2021? Does the PowerScript converter handle structure objects or structures...
Hi, Good morning. Is there a way to create a Datawindow with this statement. It really doesn't care if it's embebbed or not. DB: Sql Server IDE: PB 2019 R3   I'm doing this because the crosstab which do this, doesn't work and I'm looking for way...
We are looking at the possibility of using SnapDevelop & .Net DataStore to move PowerBuilder reports into an existing C# web application. Does .Net DataStore have to ability to generate a PDF from a report type DataWindow or is it only for non-v...
Hi, Need to know about PowerServer clustered environment. We need to have an idea about how clustered session will work. If we have 2 webservers and 2 app servers, do we need cookie stickiness or PowerServer uses URL rewrite for preserving session...
Hi, Is there any other way  we can still purchase additional license key for Powerbuilder 12.1? As we are running legacy application and no plan yet to migrate to the latest Powerbuilder. Regards, Mayller...
Good morning, I got a problem with some of my crosstabs datawindows, when i do a retrieve my crosstab starts blinking and after that the application automatically close. If somebody can help me with this issue.    Do you know what is happening ? ...
Hi, Greetings! We deployed our apps using PowerServer 2021 Beta. Just need to know if the client downloaded app directly hits the Server API's or is it like the client requests the IIS web server and web server forwards the request to API Server. ...
We generate an msm / msi with the Runtime Packager 2019R3 2703. Where can we determine the installation path of the runtime files? In 2019R3 .2670 there was a different path than in 2019R3.2703. I hope we didn't make a mistake here. Thanks Harry ...
Hi, We're running a PB19 R3 application on our production server, with a webbrowser object. I see that multiple copies of pbcefclient are opening, basically one(or more) for each of our users. Could someone please explain what this exe is for.  I...
We are currently working to upgrade from PowerBuilder 12.5.1 Build 4015 to Appeon 2019 R3 Build 2703 We have a datawindow that does a straight update to a specific table using the datawindow's update properties.  We also have columns that are NOT pa...
Hi all, I'm writing a new event to be called from the RMB Menu.  I noticed that I can't seem to override the ancestor scripts.  This is true for older event too... I recently upgraded from PB12 to PB19... now all my rbuttonup events are showing the ...
Dear Experts, I want to get the file version and the product version (Major, Minor, Build, Revision) of the application built by PowerBuilder and date and time when it was built. How do I get these informations with PowerScript functions? In Visua...
Hi all, I'm having trouble viewing documents in my browser if the document name has any spaces.  I'm trying to replace spaces with %20 for the browser... but when I run my code, it replaces space with %2520 ... here's an example: file:///E:/BenchTo...
Hi, Does anyone know where the Today() function gets it's value from? What I mean is: where does it look to determine the TimeZone your PC is configured for? I've temporarily changed my Windows' TZ to Australia, but I'm still getting my local UK da...
Hi Team,   This is regarding the Power Client setup I have successfully configured and the build my source code.  When i call the application through the browser, it's successfully download the CloudAppLauncher to the local drive and when i try t...
Hi, I've used an Inet variable to be able to use the HyperlinkToURL() function.I thought it would be a good idea to use the CoderObject to UrlEncode() the url that I'm passing in. My URL's can point to anything like "file://..." or "http(s)//...".T...
Hi, Has anyone successfully used Oracle 21c with PB2019 R3? regards...

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