Hello everyone i've successfully migrated to PB 2019 R3. Im trying to rebuild also my snapdevelop webapi project.
The rebuild finished without errors but with some warnings that i show here:
1>------ Rebuild started: Project: StartWebApi2.csproj, Configuration: Debug AnyCPU ------
0>\DataContextBaseNETDataStoreAsa.cs (6,51) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContext' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContext class is deprecated, please use SqlAnywhereDataContext class instead.'
0>\DataContextDefault.cs (6,39) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContext' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContext class is deprecated, please use SqlAnywhereDataContext class instead.'
0>\DataContextBaseSqlModelMapperAsa.cs (6,53) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContext' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContext class is deprecated, please use SqlAnywhereDataContext class instead.'
0>\DataContextBaseModelStoreAsa.cs (6,50) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContext' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContext class is deprecated, please use SqlAnywhereDataContext class instead.'
0>\DataContextBaseNETDataStoreAsa.cs (9,24) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions<DataContextBaseNETDataStoreAsa>' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext> class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext> class instead.'
0>\DataContextBaseModelStoreAsa.cs (9,24) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions<DataContextBaseModelStoreAsa>' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext> class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext> class instead.'
0>\DataContextBaseSqlModelMapperAsa.cs (9,24) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions<DataContextBaseSqlModelMapperAsa>' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext> class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext> class instead.'
0>\DataContextDefault.cs (9,24) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions<DataContextDefault>' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext> class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext> class instead.'
0>\DataContextFactoryModelStore.cs (67,32) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions class instead.'
0>\DataContextFactorySqlModelMapper.cs (66,32) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions class instead.'
0>\DataContextFactorySqlModelMapper.cs (75,31) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions class instead.'
0>\DataContextFactoryModelStore.cs (76,31) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions class instead.'
0>\DataContextFactoryNETDataStore.cs (65,32) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions class instead.'
0>\DataContextFactoryNETDataStore.cs (74,31) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcDataContextOptions' è obsoleto: 'OdbcDataContextOptions class is deprecated, please use OdbcSqlAnywhereDataContextOptions class instead.'
0>\Startup.cs (51,62) : warning CS0618 : 'OdbcExtensions.UseOdbc<TAdoDbContext>(IDataContextOptions<TAdoDbContext>, string)' è obsoleto: 'UseOdbc method is deprecated, please use UseSqlAnyWhere method instead.'
1> StartWebApi2 -> S:\start2\WEBAPI\Start Web Api 2\StartWebApi2\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\StartWebApi2.dll
========== Rebuild: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
im connecting using Sql Anywhere 16 ODBC driver but looks like it is obsolete.
Also when i publish my project i get an internal server error anytime i try to do a CRUD operation on my .net converted datastores. Any suggestions?
p.s. on Snapdevelop 2019 R2 everything working fine