Hi Nilotpal,
The client will try to access the URL you configured in the Web APIs tab in the PowerServer project. It really depends on how you configure the server. If you're using IIS, Nginx or Apache, you configure these Web Server apps to forward the request (by reverse-proxy or some other method) to the Server API application running in the server. If you're using Kestrel by running the Server API project directly, the request comes straight into the Server API
Basically, the client application will request the URL you specify, and it's up to you to decide how and by whom this request is dispatched.
If you're talking about a testing/development machine in which your client app and Web API app are running on the same machine, and you launched the API either from Snap Develop or the toolbar button on PowerServer, then the request comes straight to the Server API
I hope this answers your question
So if we go with one web server and one app server(API's running via IIS) and specify the app server ip in PowerServer project web api url, then client downloaded app will send the request directly to the app server. Please correct if wrong.
Thanks again for the quick turnaround.