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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
I migrated the source code from PB12.5 to PB2017. Now when i am trying to check in the code its failing. Its failing because SVN considers there is no change in the files. If i open a window in painter and do some change like a space or comment in an...
Hello All: Good Morning. Is there a good, economical tool to create images for PowerBuilder Application. Presentation of the PB apps is as important as functionality of the App. what type of images will be appealing, pleasing for the ...
Hola Tengo un archivo en formato Byte 64 que deseo convertir a JPG, alguien sabra como hacerlo.     ...
Hi there, I'm so exciting that PB2017 allows to save datawindow context as PDF!  Could anyone tell me why it saves multiple copies into the same PDF file although there is only one record retrieved? Thanks for your kindly support! Nan...
Setting Message.LongParm in the application close event sets the exit code which can be seen with the ERRORLEVEL variable in a command window. I am working on a program in C++ that executes a PowerBuilder app. The problem is that Message.LongParm ...
Hello, I ask you because i have a problem when i call the function PostUrl of inet, the function return all the time -1. I call the function in mobile application (android) and appeonserver is on .net IIS. This is my code : inet l_inet ...
Hello, I am trying to implement a circular spinning .GIF image on simple window that opens above an existing window that is doing some complex processing. I do not want to use a horizontal or vertical progress bar as the time to complete the ta...
Hello, I'm trying to deploy my app PB2017 running on Windows server 2012 on a CITRIX server and Oracle 12c.  I am able to create the app on both 64-bit and 32-bit.  This app is working fine on Window 7 PCs with oracle 12 client both 64 and 32 ...
Hi to all ! I deploy my desktop app to web application, but Appeon Deployment Wizard write: 14:18:19 00005: Failed to parse the source code. Line: 6 14:18:19 Failed to parse UserObject n_cpp_smtp.   ...
hello, i'm using pb 9.0     I have a rich text with some data, but i need to insert a datawindow grid inside the rich text, is that possible?   thanks.  ...
Is there another solution besides the wordwrap.dll to get text to wrap correctly. The wordwrap.dll solution is extremely slow when having to format several lines of text.  Thanks in advance.  ...
Hello! In one of webinars Armeen mentioned that a number of Windows 10 specific bugs were fixed in PB2017. We are currently using PB12.5, and while we have purchased PB2017, our team is concerned that the company may move to Windows 10 before we will...
Hi Can anyone help I have a oleobject dll that I need to accesS - I have the following code   OLEObject  objDEPHandler string strError long numResultCode integer li_port,li_ret   li_port=1   objDEPHandler = create OLEObj...
Hi, I would like to use the old rtf control shipped with PB 12.5/12.6 as the new RTF shipped with PB 2017 flat does not work. It has so many issues. I know R2 is being released this month end and it has some fixes for RTF control. I would still wa...
Hi. I have a user with infomaker 2017. When he opens infomaker, startup takes 20-30 seconds. When he tries to select a library, this also takes several minutes to load the folder structure and allow him to select a pbl.  He is working in a mapped ...
Hi All, I have a tabular datawindow with one of the columns having an edit style of edit, which I've changed to richtext and set the DW to RichTextToolBarActivation = RichTextToolBarActivationNever!.  This DW won't ever have much rows in i...
Has anyone heard of any issues with the built in Run function? It appears that if you run a PB app from another PB app that the second one will abort if the memory usage gets to a certain point. The second app works fine when run directly. ...
I wanna open the file location at System Tree or Libray Painter. Thanks ...
I have looking for ways to speed up PDF generation. I wanted to let everyone know my findings. My test was done in PB 2017 Build 1666. The DataWindow is a basic grid with enough rows to fill two and a half pages. I ran the test ten times for each ...
Is there a way to import data from an Excel file into a datawindow through the powerscript code in a window object? I want to have the user click on a command button, then in the powerscript code the data would be imported into the datawindow. ...

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