I'm trying to deploy my app PB2017 running on Windows server 2012 on a CITRIX server and Oracle 12c. I am able to create the app on both 64-bit and 32-bit. This app is working fine on Window 7 PCs with oracle 12 client both 64 and 32 bit. The problem is when I install on the server.
64-bit app
Installed Oracle client 64-bit successful. Test Oracle connection from SQL developer successful. But when I run the app I received the error "OCI.DLL cannot be loaded."
I tried to install Oracle client 32-bit on the server but was not successful. The install crashed without any meaningful error messages. I tried to install Oracle client 32-bit on debug mode same result no meaning full error in the log file.
Since I can install 64-bit oracle client, I can create 64-bit PB app how can I get rid of the OCI.dll errors?
32-bit app
I cannot install 32bit oracle client on the server. Any suggestions?
I appreciated any help.
I think I have the same issue but with running the PowerBuilder 2017 IDE itself. The machine it is installed on only has Oracle 64bit client. Are you saying I need to install 32 bit client (seems pretty odd that I would need a 32 bit client these days for this??)
Are you able to post a bit more detail around how to go about installing the 32 bit Oracle client on a machine that already has 64bit. For example - what do you set in the registry for that key you mention?
Kind regards