Ricardo Colarina
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 15 January 2018 05:24 AM UTC
Hi All,
I have a tabular datawindow with one of the columns having an edit style of edit, which I've changed to richtext and set the DW to RichTextToolBarActivation = RichTextToolBarActivationNever!. This DW won't ever have much rows in it. To convert the values in the column from plain to rich text, I created a hidden RichTextEdit control and I have some codes post retrieve where it does a dw.GetItemString, then an rte.SelectTextAll, then an rte.ReplaceText, then an rte.CopyRTF, then finally a dw.SetItem in a loop. My PB application's standard font for column values is Tahoma size 8. The first row is properly populated, but the succeeding rows get a font of Arial size 10. I tried SetRichTextFaceName and SetRichTextSize but the problem doesn't get resolved. Please note that the hidden RichTextEdit control and the DW column has the correct font settings. Is there a way of changing the RTE default font face and size for the DW richtext column? Is there even a better way of accomplishing the conversion from plain to rich text (apart from SQL update adding the rich text formatting).
Also, I've observed that the window is taking a lot longer than before to get ready with the new RichTextEdit (even prior to adding the looping for text conversion), as mentioned in some of the other questions in the community. Hopefully the coming MR will address the issue.
Best Regards,
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