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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi All,   I migrated a PB 11.5 version application to PB 2021 version from IDE it works well, but when I deploy the application stops after login successful, I believe I have all deployment files as mentioned in the help file I am missing something...
please can i run my app  power server 2021  at  Web Browser  ?    ...
PB Version 2019 R# Build 2703 MySQL 5.7.24   When changing one column in a compound key of the parent table, PB deletes all the children in the child table.  This happens regardless of using Insert / Delete or Update on the Update Rows option.  At...
please help abot powerserver 2021     ...
Hello, PB 2019 R3, PostgreSQL 11 Is there any way to print a report in the background and return the control (cursor) to the application immediately ? In the printing function, we retrieve data from the database in a datawindow, do some setItem an...
I have a problem with new Chromium based WebBrowser to show XML-files in spite I have used constructor and  WebBrowserSet("allow-file-access-from-files","true") seems that it only reads first row. Files like *.pdf or *.jpg are shown correctly. XML-f...
Hi all I cannot figure out how to compile a stored procedure (SP) in the database painter in PowerBuilder's IDE. Could someone point me to where the steps are? Thank you CJ...
I'm experiencing an issue for a window with a Rich Text Edit control. When the window containing the control is first opened we get an error:OLE Error Error Code: 80030003Followed by another: Error creating OLE storageThe window then opens, but the R...
Hello, Need to connect to a web PostgreSQL database from a PB application, to run DDL statements.  Our configuration of pg_hba.conf allows connection from localhost only.   I can connect to that database from PGAdmin by configuring SSL Tunnel.   Is...
Hi, My next project at my company is to integrate processing credit card payments using Moneris. Decision has been made to use Moneris iframe. does anybody know how to use iframes from powerbuilder? Powerbuilder version is 12.5 classic. thanks ...
Hello All, I notice once our application (created in Powerbuilder) is opened; the winspool automatically preloaded the printer drivers.  Is there a way to not preload the printer drivers when the application is opened?  Can it load the printer driv...
Hi, I'm trying to use the embedded webbrowser but can't figure out how to catch http calls out of it. If that's at all possible. Here's the scenario. I open up a webbrowser instance from PowerBuilder, pass in a URL, and it opens up a Javascript appl...
My query is - Are vulnerabilities CVE-2021-44790 and CVE-2021-44224 issues impacting the PowerBuilder Application? Is there any way to know the impact of CVE-2021-44790 and CVE-2021-44224 in PowerBuilder Application? My Application is running on Po...
Good Morning,  I'm trying to "read" a webservice response that looks like this:   <ConsultaGenericaBDResult>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;&lt;TABLA&gt;&lt;REGISTRO&gt;&lt;CAMPO NOMBRE="cempr"&...
FYI: This link, mentioned in some Q&A, has stopped working. Is it gone or is there some kind of a problem? https://community.appeon.com/index.php/codeexchange/powerbuilder/55-pbdom-xml-recursion-parse-to-treeview   ...
Prior to posting this question, I did already refer to these two excellent articles/tutorials by Bruce Armstrong and John Fauss:    - https://community.appeon.com/index.php/articles-blogs/tutorials-articles/2-powerbuilder/158-communication-with-a-sm...
Hi, silentinstall.bat "opt=PBRT" "dir=E:\appeon\pb2021" not used parameter "opt", PBRT install On c:\program Files(x86)\Appeon\PowerBuilder 2021 It's bug or not ?...
I am using MS SQL . Error -- > UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes...
Merry Christmas Friends and Happy New Year!  Blessings to all,~~~Tracy...
Hello, I'm asking this on behalf of a co-worker, who is working from Belgium. Since this morning appeon.com is unreachable to him. I experienced a short outage myself, but after that it worked and I could connect again. I work from the Netherlands.S...

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