Featured Questions

A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Hi ,  I would to ask if can I upgrade a sybase Powerbuilder application from 10.5 to Appeon 2017 R3?  I need to go between version or a can do directly from 10.5 to 2017.  Application is stand alone version. Regards, Andrei...
Hi all, I've been asked to investigate on how to send email using gmail and oauth2. Has anyone done this and could please give me some advice (code?) or some steps to follow ? I've been googling, but it all seems a bit complicated for my old brain...
Menu icons were missing when application build has created by using PBAutoBuild. It works properly when build has trigger from PowerBuilder.  Pease suggest any workaround for this issue. Attached document contains the screenshots. Also noticed tha...
Hi, I've followed the error message while compiling my project from cmd via PBAutoBuild tool (I've PowerBuilder 2022 R3 , RT: Process 'pbautobuild220.exe' exited with code -1073741819 How and where can I see the description or other ...
Hi,   I've got a problem with the codepage of PBAutoBuild output in my console. I've additional chars as in following screenshot:  How can I change the codepage of PBAutoBuild tool? I haven't got any problem with ex. dotnet compile. Regards Pa...
Is there a way through script to put some code behind the resizing of a grid datawindow column? I don't believe the resize event of the dw fires when widening or narrowing a column on a grid. Trying to find the event that gets triggered. PB 17...
I try to code hybrid app using pB2022 R3 + webBrowser Control (webview2). Normally, it is a sheet window contains a webBrowser control, and the webBrowser navigate to my webapp. It functions well within the webBrowser. however, when lost focus of th...
Hi All. We have recently moved from the desktop GUI application to the cloud-based application using PowerServer for one of our existing customers.  The legacy GUI application (PB 2019 R3 Build 2779, Runtime interfaced with Sybase ASE d...
The help lists both ‘DataWindow.Printer’ and ‘DataWindow.Print.PrinterName’ as ways to specify the printer. The DataWindow source code only has Print.PrinterName. What is the difference? I'm having an issue where certain DataWindow objects retrieve...
I have a grid datawindow. The datawindow has a few columns. Each column has a text value and images in the header. When I resize the column, the images also resize and get distorted. Is there a way to prevent the distortion?     Using PB 17     ...
Hello All   Following the sample in the docs   Blob lblb_data String ls_Base64Str lblb_data = Blob("Test Base64", EncodingANSI!) CoderObject lnv_CoderObject lnv_CoderObject = Create CoderObject ls_Base64Str = lnv_CoderObject.Base64En...
Good day,I am a beginner in INFOMAKER programming, so I would like to ask if it is possible. Insert a window in which the www page will open when loading (for example, the page www.inat.sk will be displayed there). As I drew in the attachment....
Storing connection strings (really, the passwords and logins) and things like the JWT secret key should be set in something other than the c# code or the appsettings.   There are two main recommendations. 1.  the most secure is to use something li...
Is there any suggested method to get a list of AD groups a user is part of (or to see if a user is in a certain AD group)? We did find a DLL (NetUserGetGroups on NetApi32.dll) but can't seem to get the call to work. Does anyone have a sample? Or is ...
Why am I getting this error trying to connect to source control with OrcaScript?   Appeon (R) OrcaScript interpreter version 19.2        Using ANSI source file orca_ssc_refresh.bat.Start Sessionscc get connect properties "c:\backup\development\smar...
Is there a way to change the color of the grid lines on a datawindow? Also, when you turn grid lines off, column moving and mouse selection, even though checked, do not seem to function.  Additionally, is there no column resizing capability for the...
Dear All, I am using Powerbuilder webBrowser control (webview2), and try to send message via javascript. according the help, call ``window.webBrowser.postMessage('my message...');``, but not work.  Call out dev-console by [F12], and find that ``wi...
With more developers working from home we have begun the transition of moving off our 'traditional' source control system to Git because of the remote advantages it has. As we begin to go down this path I am finding myself questioning how large compa...
Hello all, We're using PB 2022 R2 build 2828. We have a datawindow with a couple of barcodes. Code39Two font. The font is assigned to the column on the datawindow. Using the pdfdocument doesn't seem to pick up the barcode font. Anyone else run into...
Hi Chris and Team, I have already reported bug ID 9005. When the application was further examined, it was discovered that additional GDI resources were being accessed every session.I discovered the GDI resource and memory details below after turning...

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