Featured Questions

Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi all, is it possible to access an enumeration of an ole object? We want to avoid writing a constant by hand for each enum value. for example: Thanks Regards Tobi TRANSLATE with x English Arabic Hebrew Polish Bulg...
Hello, We have a problem with MSOLEDBSQL driver (v19.2.0.0) when we use a temporary table. If we create a temporary table with the following syntax : String ls_SQL ls_SQL = "CREATE TABLE #tmp_WHO ( " + & "spid smallint, ecid smallint, status ...
Hello Appeon Folks, Here is the scenario started happening recently. We have one window frame on which we open all the window sheet. Recently we added datawindow retrieval in Timer Event where we wait for few seconds setup in some config table and ...
I have a grid datawindow with two check box columns together with other columns. After data retrieval, I click one of the check box columns in order to change row. Then the cursor jumps to another arbitrary column. When I continue to click on the che...
Hi, Appeon Team Can you teach me about this annouce?https://www.appeon.com/developers/get-help/knowledgebase/powerserver2020-application-not-work-browser-windows11-22h2 This annouce is written that the registry of IE add setting.Why do you the prob...
Hi all,   Is it true that the WebBrowser Control cannot handle cookies correctly ? No matter what I do it keeps coming back every time the App runs and asks if I will allow cookies or not on any site. (quite annoying) I'm using the latest PB 2022...
Hi all, From a long time I have a webservice that always worked fine. After I've installed the last PB, if I create and install the msi file, when I call the webservice it return me SOAP SERVICE ERROR. I've found that the error is abou...
Hello dear PowerBuilder developers, for some reason I tried to use the .psr-format in PowerBuilder to save datawindow definition plus data. In the PowerBuilder IDE there is the menu item "File / Save As File..." to do that. So that's what I did - ...
Hi, I am having trouble getting the new MSOLEDBSQL19 driver (v19.2.0.0) to work with PowerBuilder2022 build 1892.I generated a self-signed certificate for SQL Server 2019 using the PowerShell script provided at the bottom of this page: https://learn....
Hi There, I have below questions for Appeon - 1. Are we really using INET enough to need TLS 1.2/1.3 ? 2. Does INET support TLS 1.2/1.3 ? 3. Why INET is a security vulnerability (just TLS or something else)?  Note - In our case we are only using...
Dear Team, Good morning.. Is there any option to create PDF and attach XML to pdf or pdfA/3.   FOR KSA, when we submit customer invoice, we need to attach xml file also to pdf and share to customer. If we have this option , it will be more usefu...
Hi everyone When I install the powerbuilder RunTime created with 'Runtime Packager' an installation folder is created and the path is changed. Are you aware that some DLLs are installed in the GAC ? If yes, who takes precedence? The GAC or the fol...
Hi    I need to call an API that expect date time in this format. "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" Can you please direct me on how i can get this format from Powerbuilder 2021 powerscript.   Thank Malek...
Hi. I have window with RibbonBar that is imported from XML file in open event. The RibbonBar contains an Application Button with menu and two Categories with panels, large/small buttons, etc. User should be able to access the Ribbonbar using both mo...
Hi    Can you please help me with httpclient API call. I am new to this and seems to be stuck. I genetrated a JSON file using JSONGenerator object and the file is in the correct format. I need to call an API that is expecting a JSON string. How t...
Hi all, when I want to export dw as a PDF using NativePDF do I need buy any licence of additional software or I can use it without additional purchases? I'm using PB2022. Thank you Ales...
When creating an ODBC Configuration for PB Demo 2022, and when I click on the Test Connection button I receive an error, that it is unable to start server.  I followed the steps in the Appeon doucment guide, and looking for any insight that will help...
I'm a PowerBuilder programmer for a number of years.  Probably started on 6 and now on 2019.  Its an internal app with nothing special.  I'm NOT and IT guy.  I don't do servers.  I do my own Oracle stored procedures/triggers etc but we have DBA that ...
Hi all, we try to use "MSOLEDBSQL SQL Server" driver to connect to MSSQL. But we got error : SQLSTATE = 22007 There is embded select like: SELECT Count (*) INTO :ll_poc FROM Dbo.idtab WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aktivita WHERE iduser = :ii_...
Hi    I load a json file (template) to a JSONPackage object. i was able to set the values of the objects using below. The issue i am facung now is how to update the objects of the array for the example below the "stops" array sorry I am inexperien...

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